Anyone as bored as me?

If anyone is as bored as me, could they do me a favour and make a flag for me?

A white background, with the letters "SG" in front of this in purple.

It seems massively lazy but these computers at my work are fucking pish and can't run many programs at once :-(

If you flame me, i'll just CU@LAN and have my wicked with with your "special places".
why are you at work at quarter to nine.
dont tell me you work as a nurse after after all that physics nonsense you did at uni. because that'd just be too funny
Unfortunately not, i work in a DVD rental shop/internet cafe. I need money to eat :-(
i was thinking recently about my local boozer. its a quiet place especially as theres one nearby with pool tables that the yoof go to. its like easy work pulling pints for old men who then go disappear to the next room where there are sofas and airchairs, and very little smoke.
good hours, decent pay considering how little work you do (and its ease)!

but the lure of the free popcorn is certainly enticing
Free popcorn AND as many rentals as I want for free.

and we all know what dvd section you spend your time roaming!
I worked in my booza. Was a good laugh untill they employed some twat who was a prick......

so i left,
sg is dead mate, forget it :p
NEVER! As long as I noob about on BiO, we shall never die!
I still play as sg'teaboy on occasion. YER, THAT'S REET, LADDEH.
thank god it got censored
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