Dubai: Best place to go..

What isnt their going to be in dubai in 2015?

They have already got plans underway for the :

Biggest themepark
Sports City
Media City
Tallest Building in the world (Burj Dubai)
image: burj_dubai_1_sm
Biggest Hotel in the world
Biggest Marina in the world
3 Palm islands
image: palm_jumeirah
The world
image: theworlddubai_gross
Tallest hotel in the world ( already exists )
image: burj4-gros
Only 7* hotel in the world ( yeah i been to it nP )
Biggest Media city in the world

The likes of Microsoft and Manchester united r gnna have their headquarters based in dubai! what more?
71 minutes please
need teh firsteh song
went there a year and a half ago ... amazing ;o
They got plans for "The world"? What do you mean?
they will do somekind of island, which looks like the world, from up.
will be so nice after the noth/south pole ice's melt down
old, but amazing.
money is the key
yes, and they have the key.
looks amazing but besides dozens indians/malaysians... commit suicide weekly, they're considered a slaves there
Links to where this information comes from, please.
"Specifically, the UAE does not have democratically elected institutions (citizens do not have the right to change their government) or political parties; free assembly and association are restricted; and the rights of workers are limited. Trafficking in women as prostitutes and the use of very young foreign boys as camel jockeys continue despite government pledges to end these practices."
"Each year, children as young as four[1] are trafficked from countries such as Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sudan for use as jockeys in the Persian Gulf States' camel racing industry. While official policies are in place requiring a minimum weight of 45 kg (100 lb) of the jockey, these restrictions are ignored by most in the racing industry because those who own the camels are also the heads of states.

Child camel jockeys are often sexually and physically abused; most are physically and mentally stunted, as they are deliberately starved to prevent weight gain. According to a documentary by the American television channel HBO and the Ansar Burney Trust [2], many of the children are only fed two biscuits a day with water. Others are forced to wear metal helmets in the scorching heat of the desert so they bleed through their noses and lose weight that way.

Forced to work up to 18 hours a day, those children who fall asleep are punished with electric shocks while those who disobey orders are tied in chains and beaten."
They are supposed to be working against it tho. :o)
a friend of mine just got back from dubai and told me about that
gimme money and ill go
i visited dubai and its a nice city fo sure
ive lived at burj al arab teh 7 star hotel
too expensive x[
free entrance to wild wadi tho, the water park ;p
:D wild wadi sux in comparison with the jumeirah beach
hey i was like 13 i didnt care much :f
Just sick..
gotta love dubai ... ubernice place
i smell tsunami fun
And yet I can't watch TV without some charity making ME feel responsible for people starving to death.

Yes very nice, but it disgusts me.
Die Weltmacht ist dubai !
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