the ship in prison break

thats so fake, computer generated bow waves and no ripples or stern waves
yeah nice budget fox
Hi foonr!
made for the audience
[x] whine
[ ] care
hey foonr =)
fuck you pb hater
can't see what you mean, it's oke, didn't even notice it
Yeah, it was the lack of waves that ruined the realism of prison break. The tactical foolery of the FBI, it seems inexplicably difficult to be apprehended in America, or the survival of a man whose arm was severed by a madman and sewn back on by a Vet, how he managed to avoid infection is yet another mystery of America, apparently there aren't any germs there; none of these misdemeanors can even compare to those missing waves! Damn you, Waves, you ruined my realism, I shall not sleep easy tonight.
I don't get it.
I actually think you don't
I really don't.
didn't think so
Gonna go watch it now
its an outrage
Ships you say? I say 'What the devil?'
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