Who wants to travel with me in Europe for part of April?!

It promises to be adventurous and life-changing. Gays and ugly people not welcome.

Price varies on how fucked up we get and how far we venture.

Intended destinations: Norway Oslo, Finland Helsinki, Sweden Stockholm, Slovenia Ljubljana, [flag=croatia?lol!] Dubrovnik, Netherlands Amsterdam. No particular order...

PM me for info, dates + to say hi.

To people that don't know me - flame away!
Add Bosnia Hercegovina Sarajevo to your list.

I would like to go with you, but I'm only 16 and my parents won't let me go.
Plus I have no idea who you are.
So what? I'm not going to kill you.
you never know when it comes to a wnb bosanac :)
Quote by Superboyyyou never know when it comes to a wnb bosanac :)

Hahahahahahahahaha. :DDD

I won't repeat what my dad just said about [flag=krkan] Slovenian people. xD
you don't need to since noone gives a fuck
hahaha :DDDDDD
Don't you have any friends?
Malta Malta? =D

hf corownage
indeed hit Malta anyway enjoy it dude :)
the little bitch from harry potter was drinking you !!1
lol so you are going alone for now?
Im from ljubljana me can introduce SLOVENIA to you. But teh fact is that. Ur not gonna leave Slovenia than...
nope, you will introduce him to a hostel and he wont be able to leave !
come to Slovenia idrija aswell, its only like 50 km away from ljubljana :D
sami srbi ste tam! by Meth
ja itq Dario :o
ni tuki meth-a !
ye but there is boring, lamerz, noobs, hackers.. a ne nocti ?
who da fuck are you chicken with gun? omg! Lamerz mkay if you are here! noobs same if you are here.. hackers maybe hacker he was the only one! oO
to prav un k igra u low+ klanu, gg
dej tihu bud, pa nauc se replyat

btw, huda inglis cru3l :>
btw tvoja mtka :P
kva je z moja mat?
negova mat zvi u avstraliji xd
kva je z moja inglis :o..
kup si nava @ trgovineTuS
don't try to visit Germany germany, we are very evil!
Why would anybody want to go to Ljubljana?

lol plz! Much better then a Zagreb! wnb a part of EU^^....
why do you need a before Zagreb? And we don't want EU tbh.
ofc. not xD but i dont care anyway... well dunno cause i like it :o
well OK if komar is a gypsy iam NOT!
EU sucks anyway.
ask thousands of imigrants from ex-yu :)
Wasn't Slovenia Slovenia a part of Yugoslavia Yugoslavia?
Didn't your Serbia parents run across Croatia Slovenia Austria Germany Netherlands borders without a passport?
My parents aren't from Serbia Serbia but from Bosnia Hercegovina Bosnia and they had a Bosnia Hercegovina Bosnian passport when they went to Netherlands Holland.
i'm sure you'll find tons of slo music when you search for ex-yu music :)

btw no need to be nasty, i just find ppl who say the country they came from, is the best one in the world, stupid. why did you move then, if its so wonderful? the truth is, that ex-yu countries always were the shit when it came to national wealth, and making a living was way harder than in more advanced countries of europe. so you should realise that when youre saying "bosna ownz and stuff", you sound like one of those emo kids, who are trying to promote a random shit, wrist sliting emo band.
To make things clear here.

Quotei'm sure you'll find tons of slo music when you search for ex-yu music :)

You're right. I like all ex-Yu music.

Quotebtw no need to be nasty, i just find ppl who say the country they came from, is the best one in the world, stupid.

I'm not being nasty. I'm not saying Bosnia Hercegovina Bosnia is the best country in the world, I'm just saying that he should visit Bosnia Hercegovina Sarajevo too, because he said he was visiting Croatia Croatia and Slovenia Slovenia.

Quotewhy did you move then, if its so wonderful?

I didn't move, my parents did. I was 4 when me, my sister and my parents left Bosnia Hercegovina Bosnia, because of the war. Staying in Bosnia Hercegovina Bosnia wasn't an option.

Quotethe truth is, that ex-yu countries always were the shit when it came to national wealth, and making a living was way harder than in more advanced countries of europe. so you should realise that when youre saying "bosna ownz and stuff", you sound like one of those emo kids, who are trying to promote a random shit, wrist sliting emo band.

I know Bosnia Hercegovina Bosnia isn't one of the wealthiest countries in the world but that doesn't mean that I will leave it behind me and never think about it again. And to be honest, I never say "bosna ownz and stuff".

But I really couldn't care less if you think that I am on of those "chefurs" or w/e you call them in Slovenia Slovenia. If you knew me in real-life then you would know that, but you don't.

Sure, you can call me "emo" and laugh about the things I just said, but to be honeset I don't really give a shit.
that emo thing was in corelation with the promotion of bad things, cuz you like them

not addressing you, but its just funny how ppl who live in bosnia talk about their country for being great and awesome, while ppl who never lived, or moved out, always have something to say about, how bosna is better than the country they moved in.

just ask your dad if bosna is great. ye sure it is. why? aaaam, cuz of all the... faded memories, and the fact that i originated from that country?

oh and with modern ex-yu music its just like with metal: 99% trash, 1% kinda decent. old school is another story tho :)

and while i consider all of these facts for the truth, i dont imply that you are a chefur :)
ye go 2 croatia.. komars sister is very cheap
Netherlands Amsterdam fo sho!
Netherlands Amsterdam fo sho!
that was a good one, made me smile^^

its a nice country :<3
I'm going to send the population of Uzbekistan after you. They're all gay and ugly.
lol why u ask here on xfire if u only want to travel with people u know; like u know some peeps here on xfire (good enough to travel with)

anyway i would go more to the south imo:)
I'm going to travel a lot in the summer too but i have my own friends and im going to southern europe rather than to scandinavia and the likes

oh ur going in april ;x
IsraelTel Aviv?
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