
cant get it to work ( it wont disable, after numerous restarts ) -:

Tried turning system restore off - didnt work

Tried doing it in safe mode - didnt work

what could be the problem?
fake .exe
maybe its a virus!
Just do us a favour and shut up.
whats the problem? cant the guy ask for help with this?

Ahmed, try dl'ing it again from another source, who knows. Other than that i wouldnt know what the problem is.
c00l @ inet

try looking on the razerblueprints forum (google). Think there's a whole guide to getting this to work.
just download the accelfix.reg and add it to startup processes
If his aim is to disable the windows acceleration, then using the .reg won't help him (it fails to).

The .exe patch is the only way to disable windows accel.
Regedit and put the right values in.
Contact anir or, as sharky suggested, take a look at the razerbluprints forum, maybe someone had a similar problem and managed to solve it.
run mousefix.reg instead
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