watched LOST *SPOILER*

ZOMG TEH OWNAGE EPISODE SO ITS LAIK , the doctor was playing ball , but it was an ambush , the Ben has hostages all over the place , Lock blowed up the submarine , his father was inside some room (guess hes gonna own him later) so it was uber ownage episode , gonna wait another week to dl another episode zomg.

p.s watch my 1337HAXOR video ->

bored anyway
it wasnt an ambush, they didnt know that they were hiding in the bushes...

You guys are behind... catchup please, downloads 4 life :> <3
Was a very kewl episode =>

John Locke is my hero <3

We are so close to some truth here, but is it the truth, can we believe anything ben says? The show is gonna take a turn now for the good i hope =>
lol, lost, good, etc
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