lookinz fo cln innit

hy i iz loocin fo cln in uk ryl gd @ eng n evrythin i am bowt hi++ skll nd i am vry gd @ cms

rcnt teems

thx guyz
sht up nb who evn r u/
gud look
what did he do? i miss some "letters"
rofl liek gd lak dewd LoL
iyt meight, tis no prob, we can spiik liek dis innit
Quotehy i iz loocin fo cln in uk ryl gd @ eng n evrythin i am bowt hi++ skll nd i am vry gd @ cms

rcnt teems

thx guyz

Hey I is looking for a clan in the UK really good at english and everything i am about hi++ skill and i am very good @ comms

rcnt teems

thx guys

Why do you talk like a muppett? If you are going to post something atleast post in English. Not some silly 12 year old slang you learnt in the ghetto.
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