money doesnt grow on trees (British saying =])

i just spend my last few euro's on a ticket to "300" and a couple of beers. why am i always short of euros =(

anyway i decided to open a bankaccount for people to make donations for their favorite idle "rbnt"

bankinfo coming soon, get ur money rdy

oh and congrats to ALIS for getting the LANspot. I'm gonna enjoy myself bashing u this time round!! :PP (oops hope this is gonna work out)

oh 300 rocked btw \o/ weird sometimes but nice
and why is it always only internetpeople who r still online at this time of the day :( and why cant shg just transfer the fucking doug :{
did i write that "(British saying =])" or did some admin edit it for some twisted reason?/!?!?! :O
You wrote it, you're obviously delusional.

Not a literal translation, but "grow on trees" is what you mean :]
afaik i wrote "(Dutch saying?)" :O btw nice editing now :PPPP ur messing with me head prickface xD
hmm change your euro for kronor and pow - you got 9 times as much as before!
been changing euros to kronors enough for one month i figure
you mean krones!~
same thing init :{
aiit , i dunno what kroners are, they sound dirty.
krones = estonian money
dirty they are ! very =( they have ugly little holes in the middle as well which is absolutely horrendous to behold
wanna go trickjumping? im bored
ur saying it as if ur actually serious =(
im sorry to say that im gonna have to disappoint u then ;{ im finishing (trying to) my last beer and after im supposed to take a shower (i smell of smoke :X) and then go to bed!
how is it that after my 2.30 CET journal there've actually been six others who decided it was the right time for them to make a journal. thats what i call StRAnGe!
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