ET kidds

Nice to see that some pro gamers just decided to reform our team and signed up for EC, I just hope that their sign up will be accepted, GL!
lol, do they rly exist? :o
ye i saw it too :x
they are _under_rating theirselve
you missed ocrana's come back and SK gaming coming to ET in the last months :p
Haha Scav. Lutscher!
Best of luck to them, they have some very talanted aimers in their team who will make their way to top of the Eurocup!
ye they said they are the new sI squad :D
Questi: "your aim is low, hitboxes high"
Sight: "your whine is high but the rest of your skill sucks"
erm........ JA!
Juris raped them in 3on3, and they left crying =(
i heard jauhis is back? Oo
They were even called "serious Intention".

Blasphemy imo! (no sarcasm or anything)
lal :] one them uses xpaz nick btw
waste your pathetic life
gl hf silencerr
be proud you got some retarded fanbois!
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