portugal vs belgium

portugal is playing rly good. c.ronaldo scored twice, 1 nuno gomes and another ricardo quaresma. ricardo quaresma had the best player award in portuguese league and scolari didnt invite him to the national team in wc. rofl.


told you
yes i care, why?
because im a careing man, why?
cause i just love you, why?
cause i jsut cant get enought of you, why?
casue i am the one who will stand by you in the time of need, why?
cause when its jsut me and you left ont his planet i will give my life to you, why?
ask perfo...
unexpected but still pathetic :<
omg sexyhot didnt played @ this match!
im laughing so hard =D ; manni <3
like i said, eZ bash for por. <3
Quaresma will replace Robben at Chelsea in the summer!
robben will go to?
me2. aber kaka wäre cooler
well, bayern said they are interested, and robben doesnt really feel comfortable at chelsea as it seems. so i just thought it would be cool for robben @ bayern, since he could talk dutch to makaay, van buyten and van bommel :) maybe maybe
but does bayern need him? not really robben doesnt fit in there system (as i know) not. he can better come back to NL and play in psv. but i would be nice to see him leaving chelsea (cause they suck)
well depends... but he would be a good replacement for the probably leaving hargreaves
hagreaves is midfield (or isnt he) and robben is in the attack
hargreaves can play offensive-midfield or defensive. believe me, he would be a good replacement
1.) Chelsea > nearly all 2.) No one with his skill would be swith to a club like psv 3.) He would match perfectly in Munich's system. 4.) I wish u a wonderful night. :D
1.) Arsenal > all 2.) Robben isnt that good. 3.) I dont know the whole system of bayern but what I know he doesnt really fit in there system. 4.) Good night
Arsenal? You mean symphaty or skill? ;)
Barca and Bayern have said they're interested, Juve a little too, but the other two more so. I still rate Robben and think he can do a job for Chelsea, but Jose is the boss!
Stupid trainer, stupid Mpenza, stupid Van Damme.

Aaargh, Vandereycken is accounted good coach in Belgium but he picks always such fuckin retards to play.
ofc, there are only retards in Belgium

ppl like Kevin roffel =DxD:D
no kevin no victory
portugal vs finland 1-1 NP!
Portugal : )
I'm glad they lost tbh, the coach selects would-be stars that are benched on their own team in favour of foreign players, not really strange they took a beating.
i dont rly care, but germany played quite nice ... :p
poland - azerbeijan (or whatever it speels like) 5-0
belgium just sucks
No Marc Wilmots, No goals for belgium.

image: marc-wilmots
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