
how to leave ur clan @ crossfire?

PS: anyone got a link to Orange bullets 2004 or road to quakecon?

thank in advance <3
send 1000 emails to Tosspot to add a new feature to leave by yourself and it will be possible
hmm this might be a good idea
ask the clanleader to remove you
how can i delete a clan?
Goliath on 25/03/07, 10:16:05 Del | Edit | Reply

send 1000 emails to Tosspot to add a new feature to delete a team by yourself and it will be possible
Clans aren't deleteable thorugh the site, only on DB level... I think :)
dat wou ik ook doen o.0
Y how can you delete youre own clan on youre profile!!
izi bash / make new account , make him the new leader , kick everybody = solved
spam tosspot to make a feature to leave ur clan
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