ingame quotes

post your best ingame quotes like

Dsky.Redcross: how about you could stop lagging like a jew?

Quote by joopa dutchie lagging out al the time, where is the world going to!

screenie at home :<
Loekino: ik heb je moeder geneukt met een wortel en haar kont at me bijna op
imo best one:)
one4one.vegi: join dignitas
e^jackie: dont play with tag sick they will think elite is lowskilled
axel: gvd die kanker perfo met ze kanker crouch
dispo@alexL: dunno i dont need any mouse tbh"


vsay ^w(23:56:41) ^?(ReZoN^?) ^w3o3?
say ^w(23:56:50) ^?(^w_shy^?) ^wyou are from slovenia
say ^w(23:56:53) ^?(^w_shy^?) ^wso NO!
say ^w(23:56:56) ^?(^w_shy^?) ^wfking laggers
"hi my name is otto and lotto is my motto"
newbje : ohnoez the french emokid knifed me
Team-PHP rqmbo: STFU cheaterz!

u muted me when i spammed that bind in our last 6o6, before accusing us of cheating again and then kicking lewl!
mesq: talking ingame is lowskilled
god'chmpp: you are too noob
chmpp: lets make a war j4f but serious!
buddylist me!
Quotechaplja: I never plan, i pass by and everything's destroyed.
KENTA: i would also see whre i have to run when i see through wallZ

one4one.vegi: join dignitas

one4one.Sheep: nice hacker nade

one4one.vegi: buy brain insted of hacks

shidima plan: sure

blackhawk: gg hurensohn
(gg son of a bitch)

A+R viol@nexus: day ist ein lowskilled hurensohn mit lagserver
(day is a lowskilled son of a bitch with a lagserver)

A+R viol@nexus: sure
(klar) ^^

blackhawk: einer hat mich im sniperzoom im infight perfekt getraked
(one has traked me perfectly in the infight with sniperzoom)

shidima faky: cya@xfire
jeder der kenta owned hat wh
ich hab kein wh :(
vp.arni: tschuuuu tschuuuu
vp.arni: Achtung an der Bahnsteigkante.
vp.arni: Waynetrain coming.
shtr die met een hoge ping tegen zich zelfde lulde wel 10 zinne i lold
zP.butchji aka irreplacable: das war nicht schlecht vom piffpaff

ND-Kenta: nice wallhack

one4one.Sheep: send me demo pls

snoop aka hurrenson: n1 wallhack

RH{mti: TBH im juNkq's biggest FANBOY

ND-fattoNy: santa > raveneye

ND-fattoNy: only wanna warn u guys outside:
raveneye (who played with impact) is like med- compared to santa. santa plays more "intelligent", deals more damage and has more frags, k?

savatje: im not a fanboy of a german fucker :)

Fex: high+

duroh: gL@EC

Rezon: cu@EC
not ingame, but much more worthy to mention:

E-mail: fick dot deine dot mutter at hotmail dot com

Coder of saNta zeh BOT v1.0
Coder of saNta zeh BOT Special Edition

and the 15 clans he got kicked off cause of...?!?

nice xfire-profile^^
dtektLAN humM3L: i dont have a rifle on my rnade :/(

*Rymmer: this is the best problems when i ever seen hear

*Rymmer: if not be spects then be sometimes laged

oh and..

ie.Allu hax
lol excellent hummelquote
The way pazzu says it !

pazzu: Gnomie you'll take the riffel neet
Ins: I do have an social life!!
[humM3L] im at internet coffee

[humM3L] i need drunk
dfect|atemi : ik wou net me sokken in de droger gooien gooi ik ze in de WC LOL
firth.bLiz : you are lagging on my screen tard

"ven0m verwacht dit van de match:"
"Nou we zijn hebben 2 'nieuwe' members in ons team. Xzz en Fets, Ik verwacht zelf dat wij een grote kans maken om te winnen, maar onderschat nooit je tegenstander."
Lakai: FUCK I hate shrimp, tastes like pussy
set hax1 "say ^7mAus ^3:e ^4!^7:^2 new mystic; set hax vstr hax2"
set hax2 "say ^710100111011 - 1: ^2newvanquish!; set hax vstr hax3"
set hax3 "say ^0bd^7saNta^0 Logitech^7:^2 sad fusen user; set hax vstr hax4"
set hax4 "say ^0bd^7saNta^0 Logitech^7:^2 new sgp. pepper; set hax vstr hax5"
set hax5 "say ^7bd^0lyriK^7:^2 lol klar nice wh; set hax vstr hax6"
set hax6 "say ^0bd^7saNta^0 Logitech^7:^2 turn hax off pls; set hax vstr hax1"
set hax "vstr hax1"
bind i "vstr hax"
dfect|axel: als er bloed uit me vriendin komt terwijl ik haar ontmaagd, kom ik je opzoeken !!!
dust-RvN #cs3r you're not skilled enough for us
senji[M] have u ever won a duel without prone?
levz u prone 90% of all duels
Frnz //aRt. pRm gg prone
dust-ice1337 w8 a few sex
iN-ozzy i hate these praccs vs third world countries :/
mika i think you guys destroy this fucking game when you play like that
m1kE BETA u will get raped on new cfg
god'MulSu too bad that new cfg won't stop lag from israel people
Mamalukes if u play eurocup then we are high
zEniTh * Clw we dont wanna see a guy name shuuk it watch, when we have game vs beta soon
dfianceviol chmpp u got hitboxes?
-dvtn/levi btw your teamplay pisses me off
frozz i think best team atm, frozz ur tp is amazing :o
#t34 dunno the nicest crossfire we have seen so far
SFXtwidiEVIL we wear this tag becouse noone dares to put frags made against this kind of tag to his fragmovie :p
sth/frozz no decider
dfianceviol: do u have a wallhack?
hx^riddla i cant do anything chmpp when u are in a bad mood
murso&InFragTes! omg gay fucking polish hackers fuck off fuck fuck
polar||snoop look lowskiller is talking to me :D
Sublime [Lakaii] ur hitboxes are lol
vib.vila 4. you are a retard , more then correct
lol last night we were talking about past games, then the whine about -img / godsinc prone began again :P
nee xzz waag het niet!
bind o say ^2J^7a^4c^6k^1e^3r^2: nocti you are just so pro

me <3 Fasolka(qraigu): nice wh dmr
perfo: die dmr ownt mij kk hard in 1v1
random person1: nice wh dmr
random person2: nice wh dmr
randomperson3: nice wh dmr
skiD: niet nu! we kijken porno met ze allen!
02:34.52 ( buzka ) booya is just unhitable, but nothing special :p
team.pi-toxic cdap: im glad there arent more greeks in this community

seqju: why you dont play for dignitas?
mqtri: doNka > all (:DD)
polar'perfo: scarcella on pieni >>>>unexepected<<<<
Here u got some from my quotelist!

dtekt brot: I've been playing top level seven yearz like whatzafuck?

dtekt kiitos: lol i got a blowjob in the school bathroom the other day

dtekt clarkje: wen i was 15 i was looking for girl

Pesh: tornis am i noob?

Highbot humM3L: Aim is not the ping

(@uC`valle) alltså min kuk dunkar som värsta pulsådern, en mal lever typ i min kuk

(+Gosu`uniX) du har inte ens blivit accusad
(+Gosu`uniX du er po stadiet low-med, maby med+
(+Gosu`uniX) du cirkulerar runt det stadiet

<@dignitas\urtier> tornis ist einer von disposable oder sowas
<@dignitas\urtier> standard hacker der weiter spielen darf weil er angeblich nicht mehr hackt

(nackjee) u sound like a computer
(nackjee) idiot

wizzel rewind: vent chrased
wizzel rewind: some retard camed and spamed it

(mine`asmogan) swedish country hack country
(mine`asmogan) ferus the only 1 without hacks

SneeK: tornis i'll download some progs like u and get better the easy way

Viax: Is it me wanting to see it, or does it look like tornis' crosshair jumps in the frag @ 2:50? :<
(+Gosu`uniX) du har inte ens blivit accusad
(+Gosu`uniX du er po stadiet low-med, maby med+
(+Gosu`uniX) du cirkulerar runt det stadiet

what does it mean ?
unix: you have not even been accused
unix: you are on the level low-med, maby med+
unix: you are circulate around that level

thats the shit :)
haha nice tornis :P

dtekt brot: *random german flame* he has small penis!!

dtekt tornis: i only sound like a robot because of my graphic card

dtekt torni: i like to eat shurkey
haha clarkje is the shit :)
well, I heard rumours you actually used ETS in many clanwars so think again before quoting cheat accuses
are u kidding with me? pepper is the one who used ets and he even nicked ets when he played with it
lol who are u anyway... why are u writeing in a forum post who was made ages ago...
isn't it weirdl, I know everything about your cheat past and you dont even know who I am
ur from krp i saw so you are just kidding around i guess and i couldnt care less about ur comments so this will be my last reply to u :D
I know where you live, these wont be our last encounter..
The classic: Bounce-
al7: pff, die modus ownt ook alles

appel: modus is koning

isen: ewa?
image: lololri5

(one4one.Kevin) I got 8 guys in my ass!

(one4one.vegi) Walljump is a my creation.

(vib/vilango) Bring some of your friends to the LAN because you will need them.

(vib/vilango) Engi smg. So low-, only has to plant dyna and defuse + throw 4 nades, to be able to do that you have to play at least 4 years of ET.

(uQ-Xpaz) I need that one by was it rampage or something like he has frams not.

(d.darkie) Shut your piehole faggot!
bo0m "you just won paralympics gold on 'totally missing the point'"
(viol`cless) tbh u know ur noob and u know no good team wants u pls. paste this so the whole et-scene knows wot i think about u
bundy: im not black, i just look like a black man

senji: its game, its dont life

somerandomguy: brb taking mice out of fridge
mAnki; I have nice girlfriend but he suddenly dissapeard
(|KIPE) take the flag leave Nahkis

clear winner :DDD
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