ET problem!!!

I know it's a stupid question but i have problems with installing et again. Didnt play for 6 months and i'm gonna start playiung again.

When i start et and joining a server he says ET.exe incorrect version. Who can help me.

Thx already
download patch 2.60 and overwrite it with patch 2.60b
instal 2.60 patch and than 2.60b
patch noob
but i would not install it
ETpack, newest version... Easy as hell! No patching no bs.
It's wise to first remove ET completly(including the Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory folder in Program Files).

When that's done do this:

Install ET - > Install the 2.60 patch - > Install the 2.60b patch - > Connect to a private server(then you will be kicked for Game Integrity) - > Update PB through pbweb.exe which can be found in your PB folder - > Connect to a ETTV to download ETPro 3.2.6 and some random maps.

Good luck!
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