weird resolution

When i go through alot of ppls configs, i see that alot of ppl are using 1600*1024 or a resolution with the same dimensions.

Now whats the advantage of such a resolution? and what would be the disadvantages? When i play it, i can notice a smaller impact when being shot. Other than that, i shoot crap with it, is this cuz im not used to this? Would it be a solid choice to try and get used to it?
I use 1280x1024 because it's the native resolution of my TFT, also I can spot enemies better
1600*1024 is idd a weird resolution
they mostly use it for the graphs, fps & crosshair

its just what is more comfortable for u
well, i use 960 x 600
Because you can see more than with 800 x 600 , and my monitor can handle 100 hz on it, and the characthers are longer (taller or something) so you can make easy hs!
its a 16:10 resolution so it looks nice, get over it
I KNOW, thats why i use it :<
r_mode 9 ftw
640 x 480

Although I could play with the highest imo I just can't get used to anything else :<
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