Mappool EC/OC 6v6

Today March 26 Clanbase has anounced its maps for the EC and OC 6v6 Cups.
The maplist is the following:

» braundorf_b4
» frostbite
» radar
» sw_goldrush_te
» battery
» bremen_b1
» karsiah_te
(for more info:

As soon as the pool was anounced the whining and flaming began. Can anyone tell me what the reason of that whine is so because i really don't understand it anymore.
First people are writing columns, articles, news flashes about finding new maps for the mappool of EC and OC or Clanbase ET community in general. When they receive their maps: bremen and karsiah people start whining and flaming all around about this two new maps in the official mappool. As far as I know are cups something in which new maps and new adjustments are tested by admins to either use them for official ladders (i'm talking about clanbase for those who didn't see the point) or not use them at all. But when you don't give them a chance of testing them properly, when it was you (YES IT WAS YOU) who was desperatelly begging for new maps, how can they ever really test them?
I'm sorry but imo get a real opinion and don't just always go along with the big mass of people and start making real comments!
karsiah suxx
maybe reconsider the choice of bremen_b1 and karsiah_te , rest is nice!, but not to put the successfullest map in et into the mappool shows me another time that the CB is incompetent in some parts.
This happends every season and the flame is usually caused by retards (78.32% of the 'community')
r you sure you have the right info, my last resource told there was an increasing amount of tards: current number is 78.33%
Could be, last time i checked was 2 hours ago
now you got up to date info yours was rly rly rly old!
maybe put frostbite, or battery out for the new maps, instead of one of the best et maps?
yeah battery back in ! :)
no suplly :=)

28.03.2006 R.I.P OASIS

26.03.2007 R.I.P Supply Depot
Frostbite. LoL
oasis + sd2 back
mappool sux tbh
Why would you remove a map like supply, it's an established competition map, equally balanced, no 2-min map. If you have to remove a map, it should be frostbite or braundorf.
bremen is a decent map, np with it, i agree with it and it received the majority of the votes.
but there has never been a poll about karsiah, i bet it wouldn't have received many votes, especially in 6v6. So you can't say "when we receive our maps...".
battery, imo a sucky map, but if the majority agrees with it, ok.
Still, 3 more or less new maps in 1 cup is quite a lot (too much?), especially as karsiah has never really been tested in 6v6 and most don't like it v much. Instead you remove one of the best competition maps but you keep luck-maps like frost or braun.
ET without Supply is like a day without sun :>
Hmm, while your add it, put oasis back in aswell, it's a nice map!
i like it!
open cup 3v3 maplist sucks
we're talking about 6v6 here
Karsiah wasn't even properly tested, and after today seeing the showmatches on ETTV I still can't aprehend why they included this map. It just sucks in 6v6-format.

It's way too small, too many routes (its a fuckin maze), way too easy defendable (flag) and I don't like how the door and the flag are placed (you HAVE to have the flag to have a succesfull blast).

Bremen, I've personally not seen it yet, but it has been tested only once. And it has won the contest coz the leaders of teams that don't play in OC choose it so.
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