The European community

What a crap community. Yes, banning me from ClanBase BECAUSE I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. Yes, strange screenshots. Like this bug never happened to other people. It's not even real proof for cheating and yet you ban me for a year? thank you for banning an innocent person who only wanted to play fairly. But we all know the reason for all of this. This community is filled with idiots. Proof? ;
1. I'm not the only person who had those screenshots, but the only one who's banned.
2. Please show me a player who's banned for this reason and after checking his demos he was 100% clean. (I bet the "admins" didn't even check my demos)

In theory, even if I was a cheater, I can't see the point of blocking screenshots, I'd just make it clean or something like that. It's SO EASY for you to bust. I don't even know what to think about those Polish people, whether they wanted this win so badly or they're just idiots. I guess both are true. I mean, they see a strange screenshot after the match, maybe inform me about that so I'd know that the wallpaper SS wasn't a one-time bug? No, they have to rush and post a forum bust-message and get support from the whole community to prove that I cheat. Disgusting.

I mean what the hell, we're making it to the finals and suddenly some polish idiots decide that I'm cheating, and then the whole community is against me. What, couldn't you ban me BEFORE that match? we all saw the wallpaper screenshot - atleast I could get out of the team sooner so my team could get the win that they deserved.

I know all I wrote won't change anything because every single person in this community is anti-Semitic and the ban is because of a big Polish conspiracy against me to get the win - I don't know if the admin/s are Polish, but the hype of the community did help for sure. (and I'm so glad they lost afterwards, faggots). So I'm asking, why don't you ban all the Israeli IP ranges? it's a good method. Everybody hates Jews so it will avoid all the trouble. Look at the facts, you only whine about the Jew pings (maybe you for forgot about America, Asia, and so on?), you all hate Jews, then ban them. It's an European community anyway.

Stop acting so naive, this ban is the biggest joke I ever saw. And we all saw the big hype of this forum post to ban me because of this ridiculous reason and despite all of this you couldn't even detect any wallhack/aimbot. And once again, why would I block PB SS if I don't cheat? As for the admins - amateurish admins. It's amazing that even the admin personally cooperated with the other team. I'm disappointed with ClanBase, I can't even think of them as a normal site, really low level and stupid admins.

Anyway, I did all I could to try and remove my ban - for nothing. Consequently, I'll tell you the big divine ETPro GUID secret. All the time I had an Unknown guid I was trying to figure out what the hell is the reason for this. For a strange reason, the guid was Unknown because of my ADSL modem device name, recently I found some program which adds VPN devices. The first VPN program I used gave me some guy's ETPro guid who's called Rqmbo. (because the VPN device name was permanent) So I downloaded similar program called OpenVPN, I could add VPN devices by whichever name I wanted, and every single change of the name of the device changes the whole GUID. So I fixed the ETPro GUID after I was banned. I guess you can't read very well - "etpro guids are unreliable and should not be used" and yet ClanBase uses them. I mean, how could they be more stupid than that, identify a person by his ETPro GUID? haha. And it's even funnier that people think that "Unknown" GUID is cheating. Oh please, don't speak as if you know something. Why the fuck would I hide my little VPN device name? I think you all should know by now how IMPERFECT this program is and stop thinking it's so correct. For those who think that what I wrote in this paragraph is a proof that I'm a cheater, I say you're idiots. For your knowledge, cheaters don't have any intention to participate in competitions and ruin the win of their team, my intention was to participate fairly in the competitions. Now it's too late anyway.

Ok, so I saw the forum post about me in the same same day of the match,
but give me some time to investigate the cause of this problem, to solve it, what's the purpose of banning me so fast without any FACTS that I cheat?
* Wallpaper screenshot caused by dual-monitor and S-video usage is not cheat - Sorry for using S-video.
* Strange radar wall screenshot caused by high value of Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic filters is not cheat - Sorry for using in-game filters.
But now I don't even care if you don't believe me that I didn't know it before the match.

Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm not banned from the game itself. It's a shame that this game has a shitty community like this.
Sorry if I wrote something rude, I just speak honestly.

btw, for those who try so hard to bust other people, I highly recommend you to get a life.
btw2, I could easily change my nickname, GUID and so on and re-register. Unfortunately, you already proved it's not worth it.

too long
image: carebear

carebear cares
too long
Guilty. Don't cry. HF with rL
too long, make a summary plz, guilty. dont cry hf with rl, welcome to et, FUCK OFF, 8<
Fucking yank or what?
some1 post the screenshots?
btw: Ur story bout ur unknown etpro guid and the strange screens is a bit ridiculus.
too long to read sorry m8
i rly read it!
`go into the army jew and ur unbanned when ur coming back.
I found some program which adds VPN devices. The first VPN program I used gave me some guy's ETPro guid who's called Rqmbo.

lol wtf?
I never knew you got banned/busted :O
but im not anti-Semitic thats for sure
all the cheating stuff:

Edit after reading whole text:

whats ur point now?
you are scared of the payback of your team or what?? so you try to make you look like a clean player?
you are trying that hard to find some excuses for obvious manipulations.

what will be the next story?
a polish anti-semetic came to your house and played the game with cheats, with the intention of getting all jews banned and to have a eurpoean only et community?

btw: pls re-register with your new etpro guid and get banned because of guid spoofing and we will have some funny to read again
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