NO supply kthx

well i think CB made a good decision, supply is most overplayed map in ET, it has been on OC/EC most times (execpt radar). Dont you think it is time for change? This kind of people who whine about 2 new maps added or even want to drop out because of no sd2 on the maplist are really killing the community, this game will become boring and uninteresting for more and more people if the same maps will be played for years, dont you get it? see how many maps and how many new maps are there in other games. ET had about 15 maps at OC/EC for 4 years! well wake up pls and be stupid and keep playing the game for fun and just because you have jump scripts on one map or whatever and you are angry coz you cant use them at OC. And imo there will be no TOP team dropping coz of it, only low skilled crying noobs.
supply had been played a lot, time for something else, discuss
i hate supply. so overplayed
you aren't smart !
then i guess you are
after few season sd will make a comeback anyway! (if ET isn't DEAD YET :XD)
gl against flame xD
Karsiah_te please
it is there actually
and what is the reason for a map being overplayed? that people like the map and therefor play it. really strange CB decision, but im getting used to that.
well if it is overplayed it becomes boring, there is nothing to improve, to find something new on the map, all teams are using nearly the same taxs, mostly on defence so the map is getting harder to attack etc.
thats no valid argument tho, because the majority of people disagree with you. it might be boring, it might not bring anything new, but then please explain to me why its still the most played map in ET. imo CB should listen to what most people want and shouldnt put new maps in the mappool until those maps are accepted by people and have enough support. I for one, havent even played Karsiah_te yet.
i dont really know the reason why people always play it. Take radar, played for 10 season or so and you can see somthing new there every time you play or watch it. In supply it is like a routine, clans learn a "best" defense and all map is so monotonous. But as they played it a lot they become good at it (and they have jump scripts ofc:) as there is nothing the enemy can really surprise them. Lets take radar again, you can play it very often and have good taxs, good xfire and everthing but the varieties of the map can bring something new. well these thought are actually pretty fucked up coz i cant describe it very well (not coz of my english skillz but coz of my speaking/writting skillz in general, but i hope you got the point)
And why CB chose karsiah_te? well there isnt really anything that will show new maps, to let people make the opinion about it (execpt this karsiah et cup) so there is CB to improve somthing to revitalize OC every season, to make some progress, maybe the map wont be good ( i didnt like it either at the first look) but it is at least worth trying. and if people want supply that more it can return to the list everytime...
QuoteAnd why CB chose karsiah_te? well there isnt really anything that will show new maps, to let people make the opinion about it (execpt this karsiah et cup) so there is CB to improve somthing to revitalize OC every season, to make some progress, maybe the map wont be good ( i didnt like it either at the first look) but it is at least worth trying. and if people want supply that more it can return to the list everytime...

this is where i think you are wrong. I agree with you that Radar is a better map than Supply and that Supply gets really boring. but why would CB replace the #1 played map with a map thats like a few days(?) old. I mean, why don't they wait till next OC and by then they will know whether the map is popular or not. imo its a really strange decision and its obvious that alot of people wont agree with it.
i think OC is the best place to test new maps, and there were maps that were totally unknow before they were put on OC just like this time. for example adler - i know it is not there anymore but is still played or at least have been played quite a lot for a "rookie" map
well OC could indeed be a good place for new maps, but not as new as this one. I think teams shouldve at least played a few offi's on a map before playing it in OC. I also think that CB should listen more to what the clans want instead of deciding what maps they put in the mappool. I mean, maybe you and I think that it should be in, but if 100 other players think it shouldnt be in then it shouldnt be in imo.
we can agree on that i think. there should be a poll on CB about the maps or smth like that. It is however maybe not that bad to let them play supply even if it totally sux cause they want it anyway.
the thing that made me write this journal was thoughts of people not to participate in OC because of it, thats kinda stupid imo
ok then i can agree with you and get some sleep :)

good night
night 2u2, nice discussion finally, thats what i needed after all that flame.
radar = PRO
"sd is over_played" look cs, they are still playing the same maps again and again and again. FU cb.
Ofc it is good with new maps. But I really think the decision to put supply out might be a bit too harsh. I mean battery is in the pool, and in my humble oppinion Battery is horrible and doesn't deserve to be in the pool at all.

But then again I can agree on that supply is overplayed and is just boring nowadays and the best would be to remove it in time, but maybe now isn't really the best time when there are 2 completly new maps in the pool and the bringback of Battery which isn't that popular or that highly played either. So imo supply could stay this time, but I agree on it should be removed for later times.
Tihi you naughty boy, Battery ownz !
its overplayed because its good.
Bremen in karsiah as well
maybe oasis too :)
but eliminate Sd :x
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