How drunk can you get?(dutch)

Did it say it was a worldrecord ? :x
i dont think so, there once was a car driver, the police saw his car standing on the street, opened the door and he just fell out.
he got 7 promills
and suddenly we are all supposed to understand dutch?

bah nvm didnt see the whole title
translate it, i know its not really good then, but you know what its all about :>
great job!
Wasn't there some Danish truckdriver havin 8 promilles or even more? And there's been a girl I think in hospital with 4,1 so I don't really look up to this
yes, but both were dead, we are talking about the living recordholder :)
I doubt he died, and the girl is in coma :D
with 8 promille ur dead...
unless ur some giant who weights 300 kg, than u can survive
A Big Motha Trucker!
that's a game:d
doesnt matter how big you are, 8 promille is 2 much for anyone
promille = per thousand
so even if he weighs 300 kg, it will be in proportion :D
ah yes :) forgot:)
Naab got banned... Or smth like that :D::DD:D
I don't know.
Lol, I am cf nolifer :< I've to go to meetings
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izi bash 4,66 promiel :)
ik kan nit verstaan.
had 200 promille yesterday
hmmm 41 year old...

in germany we got 16 year old girl qith 4,2 "promille" xD
But she wasn't driving a car.
well, here in germany we had a very dumb person.

he drunk 50 tequila and now he is in coma.
yeah ive heard about that. its a new trend in germany. they call it coma drinking. people drink as much as possible just to get in a coma and then they get alot of money or something. really sick.
if they survive that. :D
But you gave a wrong explanation. It's like a flatrate. You pay an amount of money and can drunk so much as you want. That's why many people drink too much and it ends in a coma.
ok my bad but still sick they drink that much. i seriously wonder how you can keep going that long without having to puke or whatsoever.
Who ever said germans never puke?
noone and i didnt know if he didnt but i guess when you drink 52 tequillas after a certain amount it all comes out i would think and i guess youd have to realise then you should stop
Do I feel enviousness in your writing?
aint in there
quite common in uk.
Yes, he was from Berlin xD
Slovenia assassin had 10 promille on new years eve :D
we had a 15 year old girl last week who had 5.1 promille.

that is already a pretty high value. you can only get that high promille values if you drink constantly hard stuff.
4.1 * Als gelegentlicher Bildleser weiss man sowas.
lol oder das :D^^^^
It's nothing compared to this: Bulgarian dude

In Estonian unluckily :( But anyway:
9.14 promille

The doctors checked it 5 times, because they couldn't believe their eyes..
It's about a guy who has a record amount (except for Night's Bulgarian dude) of 4.66 promille in his blood and is still alive and kicking (usually ppl are dead when they have that much alcohol)
in russia there was a guy who was driving a car with 5 promille
Iirc I once read an article on a danish guy driving a truck with ~8 promille
"een bak bier" ?
in estonia they found a guy drivin a car at 4.2 some years ago and he actually stood on his own feet afterwards as well.
In russia they found some dudes with over 6 as well and they survived....
the dutch have a different idea of how drunk you can be i guess
nah, they just are dead after 4 promilles :)
He was :P
there is some article from a newspaper in our chemistry class at school, some croatian guy has 7.9 :F
QuoteEen 41-jarige man uit Nieuwpoort mag zich de trieste recordhouder noemen van het hoogste opgemeten alcoholgehalte in het bloed.

Triest? Die gast is koning :-D
u can believe me or not, but couple of years ago in poland there was a guy in city called "Wroclaw", he had over 12 promiles... funny is that he died from body damages, because he had car accident. not because he had 12 promiles :D so, beat this plz =)
it wasnt 12, it was 14 !!!

link: no.9

it says: 14,8 promila alkoholu we krwi mial Tadeusz S., ktory w 1995 roku jadac samochodem, spowodowal wypadek pod Wroclawiem. (..)Mezczyzna zmarl kilkanascie dni pozniej w wyniku obrazen odniesionych w wypadku.

in free way translation: 14,8 promiles of alcohol in his blood had Tadeusz S., who in 1995 was driving a car and had an accident near Wroclaw. (...) He died some days later, the reason was too many damage received (=D) in a car accident.

other guys, who had 12 promiles, survived

Poland has many world records in drinking various kinds of alcohols

for example:
Pawel B (from Wroclaw too) drunk 1l of beer in 4,5 sec

You suck with your 4,66. :>

dont try drink over polish
QuotePoland has many world records in drinking various kinds of alcohols

Be proud :/
I am, really :D
me too :D
having over 4 promile or ffs even 12 promile of alcohol in you is not something to be proud of.
sex> alcohol
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