Looks like ...

xfire (tosspot) was involved with supply being removed from oc6v6 !

50 spam journals and they delete the one serious one :)



As it stands, the following clans are supporting the cause (of which many are considering to decline participation):

zP, uC, eC4, vigorz/vib, Incomplete, elite, bSTURZ, solarise, vae, adapted, dfect, insanity, pZ, iGuana, delerium, pause, octense, ownit, infected Gamers, Dharma, kapoks, callisto, Virus, Flex eSports, bioXar, identical, 37th, krp, Rhenium, AD.RUS, k1ck, vfight, Unlimited eSports, bangelijk, Plasa, shidima, Apocalypse FwC

PM guesswho on IRC if you want to be added here.

Some quotes:

[23:05] <+Azatej> seems a bit pointless to remove the best map from the pool tbh :<

<uC^kiitos> tho i think removing suppply will upset loads :<

[23:37] <solarise`FaTaL> whats the point its overplayed plz that means people like it :| makes no sense to me

[23:34] <Tlr|Clown> CB MUST DIE

[23:34] <aux`fireBall_> supply is et
who cares if these clans won't attend (except for bangelijk and krp ofc)
... Dignitas wins anyway!
its the same if u remove dust from cs
Hahahaha... I find it funny that people think Tosspot and crossfire has been involved :D
Tosspot got razz unbanned...

even tho he deserved to be unbanned but thats not the point

we need some1 to blame. nP
Tosspot. (not saying u decided that CB should take it away:>> i just know u dont like it..)
I know u dont like supply.. but do u really belive its good to remove one of the maps that is best suited for competition today?

we got maps as grush, radar & sd2 that is really nice to play 6on6 on..

other then that, braundorf and adlernest aint that good.. bremen seems nice.. frostbite is a "over in 3 minute map, if ur abit lucky and got some skill", and frost_comp is still fucked up..

Bremen seems nice, but ive never seen it beeing played though.

CB... we got atleast 3 really good maps.. and behind them, we have old maps as battery, oasis, railgun etc that can be "revived".. or use maps as braundorf and adlernest etc who imo isnt such good 6on6 maps...

then u decide to remove sd2?

Its kinda funny that im actually asking this.. since i was one of the guys who wanted to remove sd2 last season.. in WL and said clanbase was chickens who didnt dear to remove it themself.... but i realise i was wrong..:<<<

I really think sd2 should be... i loved sd2 last season, and i wanted to remove it.

This season i dont love sd2 anymore, i rather like maps as radar.. but sd2 is still needed.. and i think its a great map for competition.. even though mr. Toss doesnt like it=)
Why are you blaiming tosspot you retard?
Supply is in the CPC2 mappool, the only competition we actually control.
read what ive written maybe?? or maybe ur the retard?

i didnt blame tosspot.. i asked him a question since i know he doesnt like sd2.. and i stated allso :
Quote(not saying u decided that CB should take it away:>> i just know u dont like it..)

i asked CB why THEY removed it tbh.. not tosspot.. i only asked toss why he doesnt like sd2..

and yeah, im happy sd2 is @ cpcII..

even though the journal said:
Quotexfire (tosspot) was involved with supply being removed from oc6v6 !
... i still didnt blame tosspot for it..so please hellgoat.. ur nick is cool, but what u just wrote doesnt fit ur cool nick!
railgun best map ever with some changes!
supply sux just try to live with it
Just because you want some changes, you do replace the best (that's why supply is overplayed) with an unknown "maybeitsanicemap"-map.
I agree here. I think removing supply could be done yes but not at this time and moment and not with this mappool.
FInally no sd its really good! kids go and die
frost comp > supply
QuoteAs it stands, the following clans are supporting the cause (of which many are considering to decline participation)

not even 1/3 will drop out th cup because of it, and definetely no one from the top you mentioned if they get invite to EC qualification. And every clan doing that is killing the game itself. There has been supply in OC maplist for 3 years by now!!! dont you think it is time to bring somthing new. No map has been there for such a long time execpting radar, which honestly never became oveplayed. If you dont want to play CB just dont do that but dont make this stupid sort of things. if ppl really want supply they will get it back a season or two later...
As if clans like zP and elite really are going to say no to the EC because the map Supply ain't included.

LOL, wishfull thinking mates.
Ehm.. smartasses.. *cough*

Going to be easy for dignitas if zP isn't going to particpiate in this years EC..
I can see it now ..

Dignitas vs rqmbos clan in final of EC ..

ETTV: 23 viewers
I blame Netherlands Swine
Fake quote from me? or am i timeless for a good reason?
#we-want-supply !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111
Why do you think CB has to bring Supply back to the mappool if some clans are against the removal? Noone forces them to play anyway
fock supply rly not gonna play it in OC 6v6
sry kamz but supply is bit overplayed to me , but the most fucked up mistake waz to set 2 gay new maps in wtf are u thinking guys ??
uhm, supply is played at cpc2, i dont see your point
i like that team list tbh if you dont participate i dont think cb admins care :D
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