poll for sd

plz make a poll for sd in or out, so we can see what the community wants.
Ask ESL to make such a poll, I heard they like to go with the community :>
ahaha, thats a true ;>
Would be only fair imo
i agree
in, as long as there is no better map to replace it
in ofc

and agree with poll
in, the new maps aren't fun to play
the maplist is clanbase's decision, if you don't agree you can always choose not to play in their cup ;x
esl is to complicated
go to school and come back when they taught you how to think
the players should have more decision over CB as it is a big part of ET.
it's still an organisation on their own, and if they want to change the way ET is played it is their choice. Ofcourse it's best for their own interest to do things the community likes to see, but they don't have to :P
and they don't do either.
you can't please everyone.. i'd say half the community likes the map and half doesn't, so they pick their own preference
I would say less than 10% wants this bremen map in, and less than 20% wants sd out.
fets hij is eruit jongen ! heb geen liefdesverdriet, je moet doorgaan met je leven. Dit moet niet een keerpunt zijn.
Wijs gesproken Jorie Phil.
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