
Sry guys for taking your time but there are several things annoying me a lot!

- Why does Clanbase not ban proven cheaters?
- Why is there this annoying bug at crossfire which disables answering on posts sometimes? (An error has occured:"» You do not have the correct confirmation code. You are not authorized to add a journal/reply.")
- Why is the Tek-9 page so fuckn sloooooow?
- Why did CB announce such a crappy mappool?
- Why is this new gaming network "GamePN" where I just wanted to register suddenly down?
- Why is the Dignitas page down?
- ...
If you feel like you have to add your personal whine to this list just do it with posting your reply to this journal. Have fun!
1.) they suck
4.) they suck
1.) agree
the rest i dont care.
1.) & 4.) CB does a good job.
2.) Your either replying too fast or you use wrong BB-Codes
3.) No clue.
5.) & 6.) I hacked them. http://www.bebit.gucky.eu/pic6.png np4me :D
blame loekino
How can you blame such a nice person like Loekinkikinkoo? :(
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