Antilag problems

I got a problem when im playin on certain dutch and german servers. When i ping around 10 I notice that ppl become really unhittable and the game is about 1 sec behind with what i see. For example i see ppl selfkill and get their spawn while i already spawned. Also its very annoying to die in an instant (i think that is the antilag kicking in) before i even see the opponent shoot. I hope there is a solution to this.
Don't play on german & dutch servers imo :)
indeed, make sure you are the lagger.
overdrijf je zou het eens moeten proberen tis echt frustratie ten top.
ask perfo
Agreed. Sadly, if you mention this in-game, you will be laughed at or looked up upon, take LiciD for example, permanently pinging 1-10 on our home server.

Try b_antilag 0, it will make some things better, but most things worse, hehe.
True i always get replies like "says the guy with 10 ping!!" or "For some1 with such a low ping u cant hit anything". Btw i already tried b_antilagg 0 but it doesnt solve it.
the antilag is the problem
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