Just watched lost *SPOILER*

Shit what an wierd episode , there were like thouse lost diamons, and its like Paulo & Nicky was hounting for the diamons, so then Paulo found them then putted them in his balls or something , then Nicky knew and anyways, she through a spyder @ him so he got himself paralized , cant move etc, but he was we telling that he loves her & she was standing and just listening.So there after few minuts , a whole army of spiders came and 1 snaped her leg , so she knew what could happen to her , anyways she run , run like a biatch , barried thouse diamons , and just came to Sawyer & the fat guy also known as Hugo , and just laid down and told that Paulo lies.So anyways Sawyer found them , i mean the diamons , and he had a gun , then the crowd knew and gone wild. Sawyer told the true , that he just found them in the jungles, barried.

Anyways Paulo & Nicky were just paralized, like in a coma.. And when they driping them in to the ground , Sawyer & Hugo , SHE OPENED HER EYES because the spider thingie was like 15-20 hours paralization ,and then they just dripped them in to the ground and the end.

But i thought something new will happen in the next episode , i guess they will just drip-themselfs-out and i just dunno for fuck sake.

Shit , with every episode more interesting.

P.S Sorry for my bad englizshhn.
this is a SPOILER, you should write that at the top of your post for people waiting for the skyone show :P

And yes it was a very disturbing end
no need to spoil it for those who havent seen it yet

yeah it was a great episode

its sawyer not soyer
No, it's soya!
the fat girl from eastenders is in lost?!?!1
its liek gowing to be liek zuumbies arund on zeh iland!!! und than mila jowowic wiil cume ant liek kull thum aall!
and yes, it was kinda disturbing :) But I'm pretty sure they won't dig out of tha mass of sand (it liek suffocated them)
and i guess they will , if not it will be.. stupid :)
if yes, they are immortal or had some aspirator with them:D
they ll die imo
jesus christ where
jesus has an busy schedual.
episode sucked big time! except the ending where they got buried alive, reminds me of some horror show about a dude that gets bitten by some incect of some kind and goes into a coma like that and we see him as he is liying on the table and hear him screaming for help,, but he cant move ^^ waiting to be cut up and examed what caused his death xD


lost will get cancelled soon if they dont keep up the good shows and less of the boring personal romance mumbo jumbo horseshit!


image: 1097400304_sktoplocke
john and his father will be back towards the finale afaik so u got a bit of a wait
well paulo didnt open his eyes.

i bet much more spiders bite him and he's dead
such an useless episode tbh
sawyer will come back to steal those diamonds and get them out :p
they should have listened to vincent
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