what a day!

Hello crossfire.. So i am now sitting at substituted lesson and typing that journal...I sneezed at forst two lessons, so I hava just 2 classes to homegoing. :D
after school i am going to fitness and than to volleyball training... Just after that sport activity i am going to have some beers, with my mates..Around midnight a plan to play some gather games with same drunk and stoned dudes from our beutiful country... Tommorow i have to wake up at 7:00 CET... But who cares, another nice weekend is ahead of me...
Life is cool
I have to get up tommorow at 5:45... and then during the night I will go to a hockeyparty in my town. m00
must be a czech xD
my laptop wont start, says fan error and it turns off ='<

and im too cheap to get it fixed, its 4,5 years old the poor thing
just another 6 hours at school and then i have 8 days off for vacation...
but i got lots to do during vacation.... have to write my diplombook...
just 30 mins WOEI weekend
Your name is disturbing, Canada Wesbo
im starting school in 30 minutes, and ending in 1.30 minutes
then going to malta
cya there toxic
4 hours of working and then.... may the nolife weekend begin!!! :>
....no money.... :c
Still 5 hours to work this afternoon, then tunisian pub tonight for some smoke :p

And tomorrow night, i'm invited to follow a hip-hop/r&b radio show with the 2004 french DMC Champion and some others french dj's

Sounds cool :p
lolo... cya at midnight then :D
for gay girls?
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