uv-MediaManager Opinions

Hi, since im making good progress on the uv mmMod im glad to introduce you to another uv Tool.

This is still in its very first stage so im open for any ideas.

sry for external linking, but i guess u gettin used to it in my journals -.-


Thx for your time.
keep on going

nice work
looks good
Thanks for sharing your work.
seems very nice :o
wo bleibt zaigon? .<
keep up the good work hannes <3
Looks nice idd.

Good work again hannes. =]
two lejzii toe loek aht iht
So we can all fake demos :D
Nice job hannes <o/
i was waiting for that :p and really! im thinking of removing this option from the uv mod :/
Keep it for private version. :-*
looks nice
keep it going !!
want to download it :>
is it available for download?
QuoteThis is still in its very first stage so im open for any ideas.

it crashes every second unwanted click :p

EDIT: was in reply to decem, too tired to reply properly :(
well, notes for demos, a line where u can insert all the times and stuff

rename ability.

cant think of more right now.
already started to code that :)
good idea!
more detailed, when u click the demo, it will show a big editbox somewhere where u can freely edit the notes.


image: demoPlayback-panel

More space for demo list and added rename:

image: userfriendly

notes -box:

image: notes
you should be payed for your ideas my holy one
no can DO! no layout changes :) they will be the same like the Page. That was the main goal in the first place!

ill see what i can do about the rest
u still got the color scheme, why waste space with such wide banner that really has no use? everyone will know who made it anyway.
tbh I would even put that hannes.info and the title of the tool to same line, with that color scheme though.
its not that i must see my name BIG and FAT up there :p Still waiting for a proper logo for that space :)
u dont need to have big logo there, its just waste of space really, or atleast make the interface tweakable so u can remove it or something :k
i mean the webpage :)
and I mean the software :o
stop making uvmods and finish zaigon!! :P
maybe implement camtrace in it? so u don't have to open several programs or smth, just an idea
i didnt do camtrace, all credits up to jeje honey <3
yes i know, but it was just an idea:)
looks great otherwise, maybe put a font changer in it aswell?
is it downloadable allready ?
QuoteThis is still in its very first stage so im open for any ideas.

it crashes every second unwanted click :p

PS: Double quote is not functional @ TALA
Am I the only one who cant find a download link? =(
imo you should make a download button
-rename demo's
-ability to sort them, fo by map instead of by date
-memory function which remembers which demo you've already watched, and giving them a + or - when they are good or bad
Quote-memory function which remembers which demo you've already watched, and giving them a + or - when they are good or bad

will be handled in the demo details

Quote-ability to sort them, fo by map instead of by date

could only be realised with a strict name syntax, but that wouldnt go with individual renaming of the demos
but imo make an option to rename the demo's^^
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