How to get rid of negative accel?

Title says it all.
Mouse: Razer Copperhead
DPI: 2000
HZ: 500 (ALso changed it wth RaZiels tool)
ET sens: 1.66
Windows sens: 5th Notch
Accelfix.exe applied

Thx in advance.
dpi 200 LoL
lol it should be 2000 xD
lower dpi to 400
if you have mouse that has negative accel then you should a) fix it with the software that comes with the mouse if possible b) get your mouse chanced if its a hardware problem c) Buy a new mouse
since there are very few ways how to actually fix that problem i can only say that first read about the mouse on the internet before you buy it since there are many good sites that say everything that you need to know about the mouse.
i got a Razer Copperhead, i think it should be good enough?
And in the driver there is no option for negative accel, accel is disabled though.
Then add some acceleration to it so that the acceleration overwrites the negative acceleration so that you dont have acceleration at all :D
buy Deathadder, absolutely the best mouse I've ever had.

Although it still skips in highspeed flicks @ q3, but there's no negative acceleration before it (atleast I can't find any)
if you get the deathadder to flip, with what speed are you throwing your mouse around lol
well I have 360 deg / 50 cm sensitivity, it takes about 100 ms to make a 90 degree flips, calculate yourself :)
turn it off in windows: configurationscreen -> mouse

you can turn it off there if im not mistaken..
negative accel, dude, not normal accel
try windows sens @ 4th notch.
you're mistaken
get positive!!
thx, this seems to be refferring to my question, but i dont understand anything the anir guy says.
So i still dont have any clue how to fix it, can u may hlep me?
GaRg on 30/03/07, 14:14:14

This has nothing to do wth "fanboi-ism", i just want to have my prob solved u retard.
try to look at the time you wrote that message which I replied to... maybe you will understand it then...
14:14:14 2pro4u
still dont get what the time has to do wth faboi-ism
omg read it backwards you stupid
There is a small program called mf_init or mforce smth. Read the forum link i below you, should do just fine if you understand english.
decrease dpi
buy another mouse
do you by any chance have it plugged into ps/2 (or w/e it is), instead of usb?
nope its not even possible to plug it in ps/2
ah, i had neg accel on mx518 because i had it in ps/2 =)
Copperhead only has a usb thingie :)
windows mouse own all btw played 2 years whit it after i buyed a 518 i realy suck more
i don't have negative accelaration with same configuration ... ? :/

edit : and same mouse
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