Need music.

This journal is for the Netherlands Dutch people out there, but I am going to write it in United Kingdom English.

Since my PC broke I am on my laptop and I am still missing some albums.

These are the albums that I need:

- Duvel Duvel - Aap-O-Theek
- Opgeduveld - Opgeduveld(don't know the name of the album but it has the following songs in it: 'Ze gaan 't krijgen and 'De stabiele factor'... and many more)

I would appreciate it if someone could upload these albums to there FTP or give me the download links.

Thanks in advance.

edit: I have 'Duvel Duvel - Aap-O-Theek', thanks to Belgium Generalz. But I need to wait 75 minutes to download 'Opgeduveld'... fuck you RapidShare!

edit2: I got 'Opgeduveld' too. Thanks to Netherlands spNk!
Of je download ze met torrents ouwe.

Btw download: DJ Bluecore - Candyshop, happy hardcore for life baby :-D
Ik zie het verband niet helemaal.
was ook gepost op de verkeerde site zie ik nu -.- xD
Best Quote from 300 imo is:
Old guy: "What shall we do now?"
Younger guy: "What can we do now?"
Leonidas: "What can you do now? Sparta needs sons!"
download ze gewoon allemaal los ;x
jammer datie is gestopt :*(
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