

#cpma.et is looking for Quake players or people who want to give the game a try

You can download quake + cpma here:
If you need config, try using vo0's one, its pretty basic:

Feel free to join the channel and ask somebody to help you take your first steps and show you how to jump around like a bunny on amphetamines. If you know how to strafejump in ET, learning to jump in Quake only takes you a couple of minutes.

Only the avant garde, the best of the best, the elite of the elite play quake so if you wanne be all pro and stuff: join us.

If you got the game installed use ASE to connect to the nineplay, a lot of ET ppl play there along with such cpma stars as koddy or dziku!

In cpma community you can just join any server and callvote the settings you want (some ET clans have their own private Quake servers that nobody is allowed to use, but I guess thats just ET's maturity kicking in. Hi w@co! Use /callvote to get more commands on how to callvote settings. /speconly if you only want to spec)

If you wanne to give it a try versus bots, connect to any CPMA server using ASE and the bots will work (they wont if you just load cpma mod using the quake3.exe)

i can connect to the server with hlsw aswell, lol thats odd
tal1ty duo wanted!
i just nocti now :D
Do the bots work too?
what do you mean? :o
If I start cpma without ASE I cant practice vs bots. I dont play versus bots that much anymore, but I did when I started out. They are great for teaching you the importance of armors and certain weapons.
i hope 'ill be able to make the game working now :D what about the pak0.pk3 ? else i'll have to spam you
pak0.pk3 is the big file from Quake with all the textures etc init. It's the only file from the original q3 you need to play cpma i guess.
i knew that ;p and i also saw that there is a link for this pk3 so nP i'll pm you for my first try asap :)
I'm fixing my aunties pc as we speak, no can do :'( Just spam in the #cpma.et channel or you could ask somebody in #cpmpickup. Unlike ET, the scene isnt inhabbited by 12 year old internet thugz.
Just bashed mAx on instagib, no problem
run forest run!

image: highdd3
He was idle :x
wanna play instagib vs me? :D
need q3 download!

Ask loekino, varma or mAx to show you how to move. I saw you play ET before, you shouldnt have any problem picking up this game. Just learn to move without pushing forward, get used to weaponreload times and different way they shoot and you can start having fun in notime.
when you saw me:D thnx
some random ET pub, you stole my highest fragger award :'(
need help with installing:D

edit: only pak0?
I downloaded quake using torrents, but even #international-night-mixes t0b was able to get it installed using easyq3.txt. You should be albe to pull it off.
it doesnt say that i need to dl it true torrent,

Download http://www.google.com/search?q=%2Bpak0.pk3+intitle:index+%2B457M
and then place it in X:\Quake3\baseq3\

edit: damn im stupid:P

edit#2: any good torrents:>?
warsow ftw :>
Quake 3 for free and easy online play, in a semi-legal way:

Download http://www.google.com/search?q=%2Bpak0.pk3+intitle:index+%2B457M
and then place it in X:\Quake3\baseq3\

Download (url) [www.planetquake4.net] and
install to X:\Quake3\

Get latest CPMA from (url) [www.planetquake4.net]
Get CPMA Mappack(CPMA requires it) from (url) [www.challenge-tv.com]
CPMA client goes in X:\Quake3\cpma\ - map pk3's go in X:\Quake3\baseq3\.

Make a shortcut for CPMA pointing to "X:\Quake3\quake3.exe +set fs_game cpma"

Play! If you need a cd key for any servers with sv_strictauth 1, here are a few, not all may work anymore:


You're welcome, and PLAY MORE PROMODE!
Greetz for Trevize for this ;)
I used a random combination of A S and C as cdkey, or you could take ur RTCW key and leave out the last two symbols. Both should work.
That could work too but i took 1 key from list and it worked.
confo cant get in :DDD
"Only the avant garde, the best of the best, the elite of the elite play quake so if you wanne be all pro and stuff: join us."

I liked this sentance, but I think if you'd said CPMA it wud have been even more accurate. :D

btw wud be nice to see some familiar faces playing real quake on these two noob friendly servers:

XS4ALL - Quake3 OSP 2 CTF|38ms|
XS4ALL - Quake3 OSP 1 CTF|55ms|
I play there sometimes :s
keep promode alive
i'm there already i think and if not i'll connect for sure!
i downloaded q3 like 2 weeks ago and i rly like it but i wasn't that good so i started playing sp and improved a little bit...
can't do those trickjumps but i haven't tryed either so i'l maybel see u on the server in a while
The server is full zomg -_-
Other cool servers out there?
octagon servers are nice too
care, WoW ftw!
IMO we need DEFRAG mod in ET as well as CPMA :)
I have a strange prob...
Always if i try to connect to a server, its says awaiting gamestate, and then i go back to main menu, wthout being on the server.
can some1 help me?
i had this ALOT, either you have wrong cpma version, wrong map version, bad punkbuster
Well i have the versions provided at this page: http://www.trisoup.com/easyq3.txt
So cpma + map versions should be ok, but where to get a new pb installation?

thx anyway :)
Maybe you still need Q3 1.32b point release?
i think this is the prob, atm dling the patch, but all mirrors i found are @ 12kb/s :S
thx anyway guys :)
if you know the filename fill it into google.

links with index of blabla are good downloads most of the time

Index of /data/zip

for example
I applied the patch now :/
But i still have the same prob when connecting to a server.
I just get back to the main menu....
Whats the cpma version the server is running?
so i can check if i have the same.
tell me when you know more :o
how did you helped it out ? i think its not the mapversion and not the cpma.. how to update pb ?
its porably the version of cpma i had 1.9, jsut update it to 1.40 and it worx :D
Fu, I always get owned :< Just cant hit anyone with that stupid railgun which everybody is using. Especially Nocti :<
Aiming in CPMA is more about lining up the shots with your body / movement then actually aiming. It is much easier to aim with the railgun at somebody jumping away for you, or you might jump in such a fashion you pick up speed in the same direction he is going, making it easier to aim.

Also, get used to the reload times. Dont aim before you can shoot. If you already decided where to shoot before you can actually shoot, its very difficult to change choices later on as he has already moved and you are ready to fire that second or third rocket. Changing your mind takes way longer then making a decision.

CPMA is very much about movement. Use spam to deny your opponent certain areas.

Also like ET, much of the aim involves prediction rather then reflexes. If you understand how a duel works you will eventually start predicting where players are making it easier to hit.

Dont use extremely high sens, dont use extremely low sens. I use 30 cm for 360 in quake, 60 cm in ET.

ps: nocti is hitscan only, try raping him with shaft or rocket at close range
pps: nocti can't play duels, he only plays instagib and CA well ;)
10cm for 180 in ET and q3!
default sens ftw!
k, got owned twice :<
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