Having my leg amputated.

Going in for the surgery later today. My leg got torn open on the quadricep muscle about nine months ago now when I was involved in a minor car crash. Part of the car's chassis had twisted into a sharp point and stabbed into my leg deeply. After a night in hospital for observation I was discharged and nothing more was thought of it. My leg appeared to heal and I didn't notice anything until a month or so ago when the area that is now scarred went a funny colour beneath the skin. There was a greenish tinge to it.

I went to the doctor and he told me not to worry about it. The situation got worse and I went to a specialist private doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor thought that I may have caught an infection in the hospital ward after the crash and advised me to have it tested immediately. I followed the doctor's instructions and sure enough, I had been infected with MRSA that had festered into a lesser form of gangrene, attacking the muscle tissue around my leg bone.

So today I lose my left leg (hence the reason I drive an automatic car - only need one leg for two pedals). Wish me luck <3
if (april.fool == true)
hope you get cancer
http://www.z0r.de/?id=63 !

edit: nice editer!!!!!!!
lol go to slp
3 replies in 1 minuted

vaGgi replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Apr 07, 02:36
vaGgi replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Apr 07, 02:35
vaGgi replied to your comment Crossfire 1 Apr 07, 02:35

OOOHH!! what a coincidence!!!! getting your leg amputated on 1st of april!!!!!! gg!!!!

if (april.fool == true)
hope you get cancer

© hex4
thx for ze e-money

lets play poker (online only soz)
hope ur leg wil grow again :)
you dont need legs for esports :)
if this is a 1 april not funny joke, u are a retard, if this is true, gl with that :< too bad
if (april.fool == true)
hope you get cancer

© hex4
helo i'm coming back to competitive gaming next week lolol i call u telephony
It would have been a better april fool if you would plan to shave that eyebrow if yours!
Uncalled for. Don't diss the eyebrow.
He already did!
Congrats, now you get a free brand new car with free insurance and servicing every 3 years on motability, which you get to park wherever you like.

Compensation for mis-diagnosis from the first doctor?
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