NOD32 Question

Is there any diffenrence beetween NOD32 2.70.23 and NOD32 2.70.32.

Atm im using F-Secure but it takes to much preformance.

And if u use NOD32 what version are u using :o
firefox + brain > virusscan
If you don't go to weird sites or don't download crap you won't get virii.
I'm surfing since 2001 and the only time I got a virus was with one of those trojans that spreaded trough :80 port (think it was mydoom or something)

Never used a virusscanner or a firewall. If I do get a virus, punkbuster mostly starts acting up and you know its time for an online scan while watching a movie.
i had 1 virus in 1,5 year :(
kaspersky internet security + reshack + netstat -a
any version of NOD will update to the latest when installed.
I think it's a different version!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!11
Im using 2.5 so LOL!
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