
well i just went through the forum of nC and found the thread of "350 customers"...
actually i could only lough on the one hand because you see that all those customers contain to 90% of kids.
Funny to read a hundret of comments how they think they are anybody, thinking they have won a big battle n stuff, thinking they are owning anybody hard...
they just dont use hax to win a competition or sth... they all just use it to say they use it and to let Enemy Territory die... and they are fucking proud of it...

Basically when i go through all the nice things that already happened with that community and all the nice evenings with great matches, some small stars were born because of their abnormal way to play... it gave people something to talk about..
In my opinion it is shit do let such a nice community (of course once it has been) die just because of some nonadults trying to give their life a sense with hacking, trying to achieve something on that way....

if everything takes on that way and everyday there is some new kiddyshit from both sides, enemy territory will completely die, even more than it already is...
Well for some time it seemed that there wont be anything anymore in that community... no good tournaments, more and more oldschoolers quit... but for half a year or smth it seems to get new power... many oldschoolers decide to start again where they once ended it... cpc2 is upcoming with a dreamlike rooster for every ettv fan...

what do you think?
no i rly wanna know what all those guys think of that battle nC vs PB
It's a shame that the comunity is dying because of some hackers. But as you said the roster of players for CPC2 looks amazing. So if we just keep the spirit up and also keep the skill up we can push ET forward into the directions of more LANs and more prices for competitions. I think we can change ET's position if people show and give their support.

Oh and btw, I know this has nothing to do with nC vs. PB..
i m lookin forward to it...
and btw... does noone answer because it is the first serious journal? :>
Don't get me wrong, but if you just say: "I hope so" Or something like that we really can't change it. We need to do something. Thinking and doing, we need idea's to help the community, to support the community, to create a 'new' community WITHOUT the cheaters. And if we got the idea's we need to work them out, to create the idea's.
VaNq became skilled through that tutorial, so I might use it aswell.
whats her new name?
funny that skid is with nC now :o
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