it is 2nd of april

thank god it is over
all the guys beeing funny because of that magic magic day....-_-
you can switch the header back we have lought all didnt we?
are you one of those people who hates christmas and all things happy in life?

shame on you and your dogs
his dogs arent to be blamed
no i m not but tbh all that "1st april oh how funny xDDDD" shit started to suck hard... one or two jokes n stuff are funny and i m of course not a humorless guy... but too much is too much and 500 journals and topics with "busted" and a "hahahahahah1stapril" inside sux
and related to the nC battle there had also been some fun...
Dont feel safe just yet, now comes all the "ololol late april fools zomg!" jokes...
:D so tr00
still 1st april for me, and for the next 78 minutes ktx
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