Play C&C 3 Tiberian with me.


someone wanna play C&C3?

we use hamatchi , and fake a lan:D np..

if someone wants to play.. pm me on irc #C&
i have the demo:D
i want to download it but its 7 gb big :<
It doesn't work on my computer. Oh sorrow. if someone cares
i doubt it will run smoothly on my pc :(
aber 1000 flocken für n fernseher ausgeben
ja ich muss halt prioritäten setzen :)

ich könnte jetzt auch noch 1500€ für nen Highend PC ausgeben, aber die Vernunft spricht dagegen.
Parent and support perfo!
Can you beat brutal enemy? Me and a RL buddy tried 2v2 vs brutal CPUs but we always lose.
Quote by I like to quote people alot LoLRL buddy

You mean, your inflateable friend? xD
lets do a 2on2 tomorrow..

me and my mate vs u guys!
Do you beat brutal? If you do, we got no chance.
i havent even tried brutal..:D
Well, try, it starts with 20k while you got 10. It's so fucking hard.
hello Snuble !

Can u give me torrent file of c&c 3 Tiberian.. coz atm i have only demo version :[ If u can i will be happy <3
hey mate.

yeah i would like to give u torrent url, but i downloaded from, and that is a site u have to pay 10 dollars pr month to be able to download from:<<

so i dunno about any other torrents:<
hmm, maybe tomorrow snuble bubble :D
nope noob in stratigy :S
btw 3rd patch in 1 week! :D
Legg deg!
is full game already out ?!?!

i have only demo atm.
I've got it, it's really good; but it's buggy as fuck, crashes to desktop LOADS and dc from online, needs fixing asap..
there are already 3 patches out :l
there's 2 atm? Unless one was released tonight, I haven't been on?
ye, they realeased one tonight but i havent tested it yet
got xfire? (program) or msn /icq, come play it with me, bitch x]
ye, but i want to go to bed! =o)
Fuck bed, add me to xfire; hvvoid
gimmie your addy and i will add you :l
:P never played c&c3 yet, dono wwhere to download :'(
np, i will tell you
first i need a sleep, like every human needs :)
hmm, tomorrow i will, its downloading the last bits and bytes ;)
count me in :P
sucks imo dont like it played demo that was enough for me!
me & aza played yesterday c&c 3 too with hamachi, it ownz btw:)
What faction do you guys like?
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