omg mystic :O!

mystic never talks in public chat/forum and shit
i think he is afraid of people ..

pls go whine irl
Comments like that could be a reason why he doesn't want to write here :)
I think he doesn't care about people.
so he is a no-lifer

im going to make him scared @ cpc2
i bet he will show up with like 15 body guards
hiding from the paparazzi
cg_teamChatsOnly "1"
he talked to me once ¬_¬

maybe he just doesnt like you
he asked for my cfg once but I said: "suck dick you fucking NOOB!!!"
Tue 20 Feb 2007 08:42:52 AM CET cs3r`php|rqmbo ( Hi Mystic , We'r doing a mix with some guy there will be Winghaven me and some other skilled Dude , It's for a Cup By QPAD you can win 500€ prices of QPAD hardware and some other stuff , would you like to play with us?
mystic was spamming ;DSAD;SAD:; to teamchat in demo about Raveneye "hacking" :O
no, he is just pro
pro people dont talk
he dont want to talk to retarted people like u :((
"Talking in game is lowskilled"
copyright mesqi.
edit: wasn't it talking on vent is low skilled?
nah it's talking ingame
It was vent
He just said both, nP.
Hi sayow, you rule!
*i think he is afraid from people
*i think he is afraid from people
*i think he is afraid of people
*i think he is afraid on people
*I think you guys have too much time on your hands
because you are an idiot ha ha hah aha ha haha
Noun 1. analphabetic - an illiterate person who does not know the alphabet
illiterate, illiterate person, nonreader - a person unable to read
Adj. 1. analphabetic - relating to or expressed by a writing system that is not alphabetic
alphabetic, alphabetical - relating to or expressed by a writing system that uses an alphabet; "alphabetical writing system"
2. analphabetic - not alphabetic; "an analphabetic arrangement of letters"; "Jesperson's system of phonetic transcription is analphabetic"
alphabetic, alphabetical - arranged in order according to the alphabet; "an alphabetic arrangement"; "dictionaries list words in alphabetical order"
3. analphabetic - having little acquaintance with writing; "special tutorials to assist the unlettered sector of society"
illiterate - not able to read or write
ex. mr.Juha can't read this
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