fins @ NC

ok, lets assume that CB will again be retarded enough to host both EC and NC at the same time...

we all know the NC has always been in the shadows of the EC, thats not a good thing in my opinion, what I would like to see is the best players from all nations competing.

I know that drasticly decreases Belgium's chances of winning upcoming NC, but that doesnt really matter to me.

the thing that interests me the most, is if Finland will get their lineup newschool or oldschool.
their last lineup was quite newschool (i think) with only lettu as and olschool player, but now we see the return of mystic, raveneye, xpaz and tiigeri, they all have played in NC years ago, we might just see their return.
Hopefully they wont be as "arrogant" as dignitas saying: i'm 2 pro 4 NC so i play EC only
maybe that arrogant, maybe it isnt, with lack of a better word i call it that

yeah i think that birds fly too
nice comment at gamestv btw :-D
yeah i think that fishes swim too
Yea the new fi squad did really bad
Yep, they rly sucked
fu, dignitas is not arrogant :X
ik ben werken:D
doei sector ik hou van je
how do you define "newschooler" ?
nothing to do with arrogancy, just lack of interest to play in a mixed tournament and waste praccing time of your real clan on that. And now that the newschool finteam has some teamplay already I see no reason to change.
smokey15 Monday, 2nd April 2007 13:45 Reply

butchji and mystic duels will be won by butchji, his aimstyle is more 1v1 based than mystic's
although if mystic has enough energy (no joke) he can pick of butchji, as long as he moves fast enough
Are you bored, or do you actually really care?

no offense, just curious.
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