
i <33333333333 anna 5
sara and lincoln dont get caught or killed !
it was a pretty obvious ending if you consider they're contractually forced to do another season
yea i know, but it just wont be the same without kellerman :( i miss him already

and a big lol @ bellick, poor guy
bellick blantantly lost marie cruz
i dont think kellerman is dead he was expecting those guys or kim sended them to kill him i dno :<
Season 3 will premiere August 29, 2007

OMFG , too bad can't wait till 29 august .. : \
well thats bad if you cant wait till 27th, cause you will have to wait 2 extra days as you wrote it begins at 29th...
the boat part with Sarah & stuff would have been a great end imo ..
Naah, they wanna make money with 3rd season.

3rd season spoiler: Scofield and Mahone will escape together and run to the sunset. They may make some babies too.
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