Urban Terror Standalone

The search didn't find anything about this yet, so... :)

You might remember the Q3 mod which was supposed to become an ET mod but then got canceled. Well they just made a new release and now it can be run as a stand alone, so it's now an entirely free (as in free beer) game like Enemy Territory. BattlEye was integrated in the last minute (no Mac support yet), so it even has an Anticheat tool. Quake 3 owners can still use Punkbuster, but users of the stand alone won't be able to connect to Punkbuster servers obviously.

You can get all the files on http://urbanterror.net

So why should you try UrT (if you haven't already)? Basically its gameplay is different to everything I know, so maybe because you are looking for a change. Its gameplay is very smooth and a mix between crazy Quake style jumping (strafe jumps, walljumps, powerslide, ledge climbing) and tactical movement (stamina actually has to be timed well and inertia can be a bitch). If you think that Warsow movement is fun but too intense and CS/CoD movement is too boring, then you might love the movement in Urban Terror.

The game is purely close combat, so there are no vehicles or weapons of mass destruction. There are also no classes, you always freely select your gear from a range of primary, secondary and sidearm weapons, as well as grenades and items. It's largely aim based, especially since its hit detection is very accurate (about "poly-perfect") so you have no huge hitboxes to shoot at. And no proning. ;) You can heal teammates just by walking up to them and press the use button, which can be made more effective by carying a med pack (that's as far as "medics" go in UrT). There is also bleeding and bandaging (like the original Action Quake 2) and locational damage, like broken legs impairing your movements until you bandage.

The most popular gametypes are:

Team Survivor
Basically just round based deathmatch, like the original Action Quake 2 teamplay mode. This is the most popular (in Europe at least). It only works well onvery small and open maps, otherwise you get a lot of camping and hiding.

Capture the Flag
The only popular reinforced mode. There is nothing special to it, but it works really well with the game and it has a lot of CTF specific features.

Bomb Mode
Like Team Survivor but with an objective, the typical plant/defuse type scenario known from CS and CoD, etc. It's the newest addition and hasn't really taken off yet, but it's very well done. It does not have the camping, hiding or stalemate issues which plague Team Survivor, but otherwise plays fairly similar. The latest ClanBase open cup will use Bomb Mode (decided by vote) and I hope that it will become more popular with fresh blood coming in through the stand alone.

It comes with pretty much all essential match related features built-in and of course GTV can be used to broadcast matches.

The reason I am "advertising" it like this is, that UrT has been the game I played competitively before ET and this release brings back a lot of its previous magic. I really think you should give it a try at least, maybe you'll be positively surprised. :)
Spark spiel lieber ET! =)
Das kann ich doch eh nicht mehr. ;)
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