Sona ? (The Last Episode of PrisonBreak - Second Season)

Yeh the second season of Prison Break just ended , the third and last season comes out like @ the end of August 2007. What do you think that will hapen in sona or whatever is that place called , and who are those guys ?Is it a prison or is it something else? And what do you think it will hapen with Mahone&Scofield @ same building ? (;o) But most of all i'd like to know what do you think about that "MUTED" president of "The Company", he said like .... "Scofield is going to break out, he has this in his blood" and that muted guy answered "This is what we want him to do, don't we"


p.s.: im at school now, ill check ur replys when i got home :D
They are all getting raped by clanbans
25 cez 7

lol @ slika u profilu :D
noctiferia on 04/04/07, 06:26:03 bwo?

P.S: xD
ce naznaja ustelet debili :/
i like the sea
thats me right?
ssh im not talking to you
omg who was it then?
Well I don't know what will happen... But it looks like Bellick was having a lot of fun dying on the ground there :P
Only thing I didn't like is: Everyone is dead, Kellerman, Kim, Sucre(?) .... The only people who are left are that boss of "THE COMPANY" and that guy who visited T-Bag in prison (I remember his face, but don't know who he is)... I think the show lost too many faces which are "replaced" by old new faces, and that makes it less interesting for me. I will be watching though, so I can spoil all the fun for my friends who are watching it on national television
mahome isnt dead :o ?
i'm sorry :P, edited :D
:DD i dont think sucre is dead either, he will not give up untill he found mary cruz but bellick cant tell him where she is because he got reaped on the floor
sucre and kellerman aren't dead for sure
SONA is a prison in Panama. One of the worst in the world. It lets riots, killings, drug taking etc all take place and the cops do nothing about it.

and ye i dont know either why the boss said " we want him to escape " UNEXPECTED
What I wonder is why that Company-boss was asking Kim about how i was going with Scofield and Sona all the time. Now when he's finally in Sona he wants him to break out. But if he breaks out from Sona and is _outside_ it would be like beeing outside any other prison there is. So something must happen when you try to break out from Sona... dunno what.
he probably wanted him IN sona so he can break out...
why not any other prison?
because the bald dude works in sona?
Theres not the slightest sign of him working on or with Sona at all. :S
He's bound to have some kind of connection with it though. That's what I guess... We'll just have to see :)
michael is gonna break out with mahone, that's my guess.
agreed with that ... imo they are going to corporate becouse they both feel like they are being betrade !
what about bellick?
i guess he's gonna die, not so good medical facilities in sona i think :D
Do a little research and you'll find out Sona is the worst prison in Panama. No rules, no guards. Apparently Pad-Man is working (head of) some scientifical research organisation and is doing research on Michael. Guess season 3 will become real science fiction. =d
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