Quake Wars beta this month.

according to gamespy there will be a limited public beta this month for fileplanet subscribers :f


I really hate this exclusive beta crap that happens thesedays.
I agree, they should invite admins ^:>
get a subscribe ;) and it dosent cost so much :)
lame way to get money :/
same as registering for a website for more download speed or something :/
Why everybody things that internet is free?
If you want something good, pay for it.
I think its fair thing to do, because websites like this and gamespy/fileplanet/esreality provides us information/new cool stuff and lots of fun.
Websites like that will not continue forever to do job for what they dont get nothing, just lots of whineing from 15years old spoiled kid who thinks everything is free.
for me atleast there is far better services for free.

fileplanet has about the worst speeds of any download site I find.
Works fine for me :) 800kb/sec
bad download rate
there are alot of "mature" people also, of course some things its normal that you pay for, but for a beta test :'/....
Thats true too. It would be better if beta test be free for everybody. More testers, more bugs will be found and fixed.
But I think it is all about bisness $$$$$$. Good game is cumming out, everybody wants to play it, game got good reviews.... why not make money on it by selling beta. Thats how this world is going around.
Promote the game allot in a good way, and you will see much people will buy it
Once again i will miss it :<<
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