OC groups....

Good job clanbase
Can't stop the flame cause this is the attitude of the community for years and years now:
"CB is alway wrong whatsoever they do / decide"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKgCi5XS2H0 <3
mmh bangelijk is in 2nd league and we are in 3rd and we played like 2 officials against them and both 4-0 win : \
Bullshit journal of zee day, some decisions they make are just so stupid that you could just write "FLAME MEH PLOX"

+ was dat muziek :C?
Nobody doubt that CB is mostly doing a good job and are trying their best. But still this OC groups are pure suckage.
Personally I think its very hard to do good groups, but clanbase need shake things up little bit in ET community. They are admins and they should do things. Its more like they have to know everything and they can do anything, they have to be above players ;).

Biggest think that worrys me are cheaters that have destroyet this game and the community. I really hate you guys allot and DIE OF AIDS!.

B4 cheaters ET was nice to play, now a days its like you cant get pracc without checking yawn and see just red warnings at least on one player. This what makes me sad.

I was thinking going to play Quake 4 because its has very small community and they dont even use PB servers, coz there are no cheaters and if they are they will be kickt in second.
How can you know if there isn't a anticheattool?
I play ctf pickup and get owned by putka 24/7.
I notice on server that there is no PB and I ask why there is no anti cheat program on server and they just lold and sayd that we dont need one... who is going cheat here? If some noobie tryes to cheat it will be so noticed and he will be kickt.
silti mä ja sanda koodataa vaikka ei oo kolmioit?
voi sitä koodata ilmanki kolmioita..
no koodataanko me sit :D ?
correct me if im wrong, but arent k1ck an ec team, yet their in division 2?
its the other kick team i think , the portugese one
lol @ 2 times k1ck in 2nd
yaya gg clanbase ;D
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