Goooood morning \o/

its almost weekend did you know that :o?
and what are you gonna do today :o?

The first comment will win a bnc!

Grats Overdrive with your bnc :)
It is such A nice weather outside, good enough to stay behind my computer h3h3
my weekend start friday and I'm going to walk 10 km with a few mates and around 10 grams weed (1 for every km :D )
Hello Overdrive! How are you feeling today?
im feeling pretty oke
Cool, im pretty tired here at work :(
Caffeine + Taurine ftw
Im drinking some strange juice only :l Maybe i should go buy some Battery!
take it to cpc2!.. owh wait :(
;( that is so mean
I gonna work till 15.30CET and then I go home to play C&C TW with my friend and then I will play ET.
i will see PULSE (the movie) and touch my self. nothing special for today
i wanna touch you :<
ahah would be so nice.. come to portugal fast >: )
no can do :<<
Good morning.
This is the third day I'm missing school because of a lack of sleep and illness. My day probably will look like this:

As soon as maintenance is done, play World of Warcraft until 15.00.
Order a patatje met at the local snackbar.
Play World of Warcraft until 20.00.
Play some Wolfenstein until 23.30.

Pretty much what a normal day looks like.

Right now I'm gonna watch Dora on NickJr. Have a good morning!
sounds like loekino
only he plays skilled games like q3 :)
dora is the ownage, ofcourse :)
I already have weekend :-)
i will work 4 school outside coz i have a lot to do :<
workin on my exam...
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