Traveling by train to CPC..

I was watching the news last night and I heard that there won't be any passenger trains riding between Almelo and Hengelo in the month April. I know this is near Enschede, but I have no idea if you have to pass these stations to go to the Enschede station. Just thought some of you should know and take this into consideration before they leave home to go to CPC by train =).
ga met kitty op de fiets
ik bruik 20 mins met de fiets naar enschede!

my dutch roxx :D
ich Fahrrad 20 Minute nach enschede

my german suxx !
hm it means:

Ich brauche 20 Min mit dem Fahrrad nach Enschede. ( btw its true )
Met de auto ook goed =)?
nee nee op de 3 wieler !
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