Yawn & ban ?

I dont know tziek, and I don't even know if he reads crossfire.
But, can't yawn automatically contact pbbans & punksbusted for an invalid etproguid ?

For instance http://www.yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?gamecode=ET&pbGuid=3d144ef8 he clearly has an etproguid spoofer. I wonder if Yawn can add him on pbbans or/and punksbusted database.
It must be quite easy to code server side...
imo yes
link dosent work o_O
it does now
i swear it was broken 15 sec before your reply
nahhh you liar
yep, it was ',' after the pb guid ;)
why add him when his details will simply change?
but the record will stay on pbbans / punkbusted database. Pbbans offers for streaming game admins a master player index which has got an option to search linked guids, so even if u change your name/pb guid/ip any SGA will be able to see your past. And it can be useful for streaming game admins of PsB too but only if the guy who spoofed the etpro guid got one ip so any SGA of PsB will see what he done.

oh and btw i heard that punkbuster is detecting this shit with the PB HACK violation


u can contact directly tziek by PMing him on forum or just post a topic there
more then 5 guids in 1 week = ban ?
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