<dnb`poepj> [18:05:33] <Plasa|miTTi> Because you are quite new
<dnb`poepj> [18:05:37] <Plasa|miTTi> We have beaten many EC clans
<dnb`poepj> [18:05:39] <Plasa|miTTi> like vib
<dnb`poepj> [18:05:40] <Plasa|miTTi> murso
<dnb`poepj> [18:05:46] <Plasa|miTTi> negative-imgae
<dnb`poepj> [18:05:47] <dnb`poepj> wauuuw
<dnb`poepj> [18:05:49] <dnb`poepj> you must be pro
<dnb`poepj> [18:05:56] <dnb`poepj> i heard santa claus has a present for you
<dnb`poepj> [18:06:03] <dnb`poepj> maybe a ticket for premier league
<dnb`poepj> [18:06:08] <dnb`poepj> ohnoo it's only a kiss
irc logs ban
haha chicken!
6v6 - Who cares?
3v3 - Who are you?
i love you
What is this about? Personal vendetta? And why did your heart told you we would care? (Your brain don't works )
I'm the scatman

Ski bi di bi di do bap do bap
Do ba do bap

Everybody stutters one day or the other
So check out my message to you
As a matter of fact
Don't let nothing hold you back
If the scatman can do it
So can you

Everybody says that the scatman stutters
But doesn't ever stutters when he sings
But what you don't know
I'm gonna tell you right now
That the stutter and the scat is the same thing
Yo, I'm the scatman
Yeah the scatman, I'm the scatman

Why should we be pleasin in all the politician heathens who would
Try to change the seasons if they could
The state of the condition
Insults my institutions
And it only makes me crazy and my heart like wood

Everybody stutters one day or the other
So check out my message to you
As a matter of fact
Don't let nothing hold you back
If the scatman can do it
So can you

Everybody stutters one day or the other
So check out my message to you
As a matter of fact
Don't let nothing hold you back
If the scatman can do it
So can you

I hear you ask all about the meaning of scat
Well I am the professor and all I can tell you
Is while you're still sleeping
Saints are still weeping
Cause things you call dead haven't yet the chance to be born
I'm the scatman.

Repeat after me
It's a scoobie oobie doobie scoobie doobie melody
Sing along with me
It's a scoobie oobie doobie scoobie doobie melody
It's a scoobie oobie doobie scoobie doobie melody
miTTi please just die of motherfucking aids n stuff, you are med skill maybe and with your fucked up Germanyego you think you are high or something,

is this rhands fake account or something?
me not ar, but i hate that retarded mitti who thinks he is skilled fucking the fucker the fuck kiddie that he is
Pracresults above all!
plasa only deserves premier for 3v3
i lold at d&b premier league ;)
(Plasa|miTTi) I will own em
(Plasa|miTTi) I just sucked cus I played with other cfg
(Plasa|miTTi) pls
(Plasa|miTTi) Give me that chance
(polar`aeq) got butchji
(polar`aeq) soz
(Plasa|miTTi) man he sucks
(Plasa|miTTi) pls
(polar`aeq) rofl
(Plasa|miTTi) he isnt as good mate
(Plasa|miTTi) I own at 6v6
(Plasa|miTTi) really
I lold so hard I fell of my chair :'-D
who the fuck is this guy btw ?
dunno. Atleast we can say for sure he is a wnb
hahah nice :D
I wanna be somebody,
Be somebody soon
I wanna be somebody
Be somebody too
Quote"(18:06:33) (Plasa|Scorch) 3on3 // high (keine schwuchtel med skilled pisser!!!) // our server!!! ( NICHT EURER!) // pm me (OC MAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(18:06:33) Plasa|Scorch has left IRC (Killed (* (You are violating network rules, ID: 3827610))"

Team Plasa are fucking Wnb´s ahaahahahah
plasa is eh der größte hurensohn verein ...
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