and your keyboard also ?
fps + mouserate
4 Apr 2007, 19:41
hi again,
so my mouse died in a flood of coke. I tried this new mouse but i noticed something weird. When i change my fps the mousefeeling changes.
If I measure it still does the same distance, so the sens is the same but the feeling is different. Could this have anything to do with the amount of mouseinputs being spread over the different amount of frames?
mousenerds out there
help me!
so my mouse died in a flood of coke. I tried this new mouse but i noticed something weird. When i change my fps the mousefeeling changes.
If I measure it still does the same distance, so the sens is the same but the feeling is different. Could this have anything to do with the amount of mouseinputs being spread over the different amount of frames?
mousenerds out there
help me!
overdrive overdrive overdrive overdrive overdrive overdrive jij bent lief lkekker geil je maakt me heet ;<
i could help you, but i wont (west side, this is crossfire fucks!, noone helps me with my maths and stuff)
hi maikel
je haalt toch niet hoger dan 76 fps dus wat is het probleem?:)
phemon west side,,,, boeren power!!! keke lo l kkikoo, jij bent leif
oh.. ja. west side , peace
i dont know anything about muisjes, why do people always ask me about that kinda stuff
you are the person that makes those mouse Articles
no? :S
only thing i do i posting useless comments on crossfire all day
together with 11134 other ppl:)
already for 1 year, 7 months and 29 days
1 year, 3 months and 17 days
ty, u to
Woey! I'm older than you => me > you !!!1
nice, met mijn p3 lukte mij dat niet:)
always buy your old mouse again ! never buy something of that new shit, tried almost everything and all was crap
lets all play with ballmice!