What's the weather like where you are?

I'm kind of freaked out, it's April, it's Scotland and I'm wearing shorts to work. If my kilt wasn't in the wash, I would be wearing that!

Any other freaky heat-waves? :-/

(Random Picture)

image: braveheart3
It's fucking 30C here :(
Well, isn't it usually 30C in Israel? It was silly when I went there :-(
well yes but it's still just april in the summer we have even 40 :)
13C in holland
WTTFF:?? ?/.///???///
about an hour ago it hailed(??) in here
sunshine, 14°C
snowing, around 0 degrees. The warm period went here already xD
Quick! Get back inside your igloo! :-)
I didnt see snow in my town last 5 years :<<<

I'm jealous now !!!1
good thing now mystic has to stay home and pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc pracc :DD:D:D:
nice weather, must be nearly 20° :)
cloudy and almost raining 10º
Its sunny.
windy, cumulus 4/8, 10 degreesje
Nice and warm, bright and sunny here :D (here = Belgium)
here = Budapest here
1337º here in hell ( damn im funny)
I've never worn a kilt in my life. Nor have I eaten haggis.

tbh, i wanna see you with a kilt :$ coming to cpc i guess?
but i wanna see you in a kilt :(
If you pay for my travel and a room in humm3L`'s whore house, then i'll wear whatever the fuck you want me to wear!
that spot is taken by: Loekino
horny 16 year old boy from nederland
Firstly to you, shame on you, SHAME!
dunno how does it looks outside
20° Celsius in the dirty south of Austria
-30° Celsius in Antarctica
second that
+- 10C. I want at least 10C in the morning (now it's like +- 4C in mornings) to wear only shorts, tshirt and sandals.
+- 15°C here in the north of Belgium, sunday it will be around 20°C they say. Weird times these days, one day it's sunshine, the next day it rains like hell... 20°C in april, I wonder howmuch it would be in the summer (h)
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