Big problem!

Here is the story:

I decided to remove Linux from my laptop and I downloaded Partition Magic. I removed Linux and the swap file with Windows and added the free space to my C: drive with Partition Magic.

Now I can't boot Windows anymore. I am stuck in a screen of Linux(not in Linux).

This is what I see:

GNU GRUB version 0.95 (638K lower / 1046080 upper memory)

[ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB list possible command completions. Anywhere esle TAB lists the possible completions of a device/filename.]


I don't know what to do... I need to boot Windows but I don't know how and if it's still possible.

So I am asking if any of the Linux users here know what I should do.

I need to go now, but I will be here tonight. I would really really really appreciate it if someone has a solution for this. THANKS IN ADVANCE

Thanks for reading!


edit: Thanks you guys for your help! I appreciate it. I will do what hkrep and CuttyP said, but I need the Windows XP CD first. :p

edit2: My dad had a Windows XP CD so I was able to recover the MBR. Now Partition Magic is recovering some stuff. I will see how it works out. Thanks again for your help.

edit3: Everything is working again and I didn't loose any files. Everything is back to normal. Thanks everyone!
disable grub and reinstall windows bootmanager
ik heb het lekker toch niet gelezen!
grub is a boot manager.
had the same problem, just reinstall linux first. u should be able to boot linux and windows after that again..
then delete linux the right way --> google
(cant explain in english :D)

edit: i think u dont even have to reinstall linux :o
fixmbr in XP recovery from the cd
thats it ;)
the Boot loader is still in the MBR of your HD.
Insert the Windows installation CD, choose recovery console or something like that.
You will come to a command line where you enter fixmbr.
then restart and the windows loader should appear.
only 1 second slower :<

You made me love German people even more. :p
hope its broken, and never fixes

(i didnt read it, so nP)
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