cpc2 sleepingplace

I have 2 vacant sleepingplaces for thursday to saturdaynight @ CPC2.

You will be sleeping with some swedish legends (smutzig ozzy arne zerom) and me and gyzr the viking!

We also have our private swimming pool next to our apartment and mQ and impact (AKA TEAM MYSTIC) are on the same bungalowpark :P

this is where we are staying: http://www.badboekelo.nl/?type=page&index=1&lang=nl&page=0

it will cost you 52 euro for those 3 nights so it's quite cheap!

We rented 2 apartments and each apartment has room for 4 persons, thats why we need 2 more to fill them. We have our own showers etc in each apartment.
If interested, u can pay me when we get there. lemme know!

you can find me in #kih as slinger or sling|aw :P

edit: also, for other teams who dont have a place to stay yet: they prolly have some more apartments to spare so if you are interested to stay there with your team let me know and i'll help you book it
I've been there once amagad!
mm sounds nice
Jonge, ga je echt dirk?:D
nee ik ga nep =O) tuurlijk ga ik echt wat dacht je dan ;)
dacht dat je qualifiers verloren had :o). kom niet zo vaak meer op xfire en heb geen et meer, dus ben niet meer zo uptodate ;) :D
Impact changed location yesterday =)
thats where impact are staying. this is 12 km from the LAN and i have my car there ;d
holy shit you're far away from where we sleepin [polar] :D
thats a good thing! =)
i said that in my heart but didnt want to sound rude :(

so mystic is sooo far away from me? >(
we'll all meet in centre enschede each night anyway ;} apart from the tough guys who r gonna play poker on their rooms each night and drink beers :D
going to ze pub with mystic, will be fun, hope he speaks irl!
mystic doesnt need words to communicate. words are for lowies
so is this gna be like one of those silent movies?
stop acting as if you all have somewhere to sleep already toughguys! dont be shy pm me! =(
if i didn't have loads of tests at school the week after cpc2 i would have come : <

edit: oops hate fast typing ; <
*week :-)

and prepare for those tests next week and stay @ the LAN from thursday night untill sunday morning ! then u can still do some fast learning on sunday afternoon for monday! :))
can't really do that cause i have 5 of them and it are re-tests already have to do it good this time, else i won't finish this year (and school) : <
awww good luck then ;(
thx wil probably be easy never did something for school, bunch of carebears at my school
so stfu :P
dat hutje is niet bepaald gemaakt van bamboe ofso, n1
je hoeft mij niet te adden @ fdnl hoor, hater.
ik ben zo evil >:D
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