recurrent FPS lag

Hello mates,
I've got a very serious problem in ET:
It is lagging like every 3rd second and my FPS go down to 20 if I just walk ahead.
I never really had stable fps but ET didn't lag periodically aswell.

PC specifications
CPU: P4 3.2 GHz
MB: MSI 865PE Neo2-PS (MS-6728 v2.0)
GFX: GeForce 6800 LE 128 MB
RAM: 2048 MB
OS: WinXP 32bit


I have already tried fixing the problem by reinstalling ET and using defragmentation.
Additionally I've already checked for virusses several times but that didn't help neither.

Hope you can help me... :<
Thank you in advance.
gl 1st :p
what about pc cooling? is your videocard too hot? do you have rivatuner running while playing? (if so: turn it off, fixed lags for me).
doesnt rivatuner gets u a 1 year ban on CB? 0o
if you tweak it to nonallowed extents
You used rivatuner? Ban!
rivatuner measures your pc temperature as well!
i dont know if its too hot
i'll see it if i reset my bios (i unluckily dont know the pass any more :'( so i'll reset it)
and no ive got no rivatuner (even dno wht it is for)
its better to have your bios on default settings all the time :) unless you really know what you are doing

rivatuner is basically a tweaking program which can be used for overclocking, opengl hacking etc.
its also a device to measure your gfx card temp
got the same :S the whole time drops from 100 fps to 40 :<
when i join a server, my pc starts fps lagging (somehow fps doesnt drops, stays stable 125), after few secs-mins its allright, happens everytime i join a server but i dont realy care since its only few secs from start...
to much porn downloads = VIRUZZ H3H3H3
Well on Nvidia card theres the tempetature included on the nvidia software.

Nvidia control panel > 3D parameters > On "performances" > temperature level of the card/monitor =]
o ok ty :>

GPU Core: 69°C
Ambient Temperature: 51°C
Slowdown Limit: 127°C

i guess these r normal temperatures... aint they?
these are mine for ASUS 6600GT

GPU Core Temp. : 51°C
Ambient Temp. : 0°C ( dunno why 0°C - shouldn't be, wtf )
Slowdown Limit : 145°C

no rivatuner ofc
might be worth a try to check if you have microsoft update enabled (not windows update) i had a similar prob it was eating my cpu even when it wasnt updating anything, fps went from usual 125 down to 30s,
temps are similar to mine.
i have similar specs to you and get 125fps on most maps,
PC specifications
CPU: P4 3.0 GHz
MB: MSI 875P Neo
GFX: GeForce 6800 xt 128 MB
RAM: 1gb OCZ pc 3700 Gold edition
OS: WinXP pro
nice pic :D
i just found out that if i shut down the explorer.exe process while gaming i dont have lag :o
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