People you miss from ET/RTCW.

Well, I was looking at some old demos and I couldn't help think to myself "Shit, it's a shame he no longer plays anymore, he was a top bloke".

With this in mind, bored at work, waiting for the hours to tick by I thought I would contribute a pointless journal!

Who do you miss from ET/wolf that you wish was still playing or you where still in contact with?

I miss talking to a lot of the old sg crew (Netherlands fayth & England Ali) but also a lot of nice guys I met in the community back in the day.

People like Germany Tron & Slovenia Ravenous.

Tron was a really nice guy and Ravenous, was, well, funny as fuck.

Who do you miss?
I didn't ever talk to the guy, so I don't think I can really "miss" him. Sorry Norway RaZiel :-(
Netherlands boog for funneh times on vent and him being a nr1 nice guy and player.. helping me out with configs etc xD too bad he doesnt play anymore

furthermore nik0z for being a nice guy and nice player, the old intense squad without cheaters etc
the one where u get pwned by 141?
plz, nades/rifles/spam only
"intense squad without cheaters"

no can do
I remember the name nik0z from somewhere, it sounds very familiar anyway. Was he Netherlands?
ye, brother of modus ;)
Ah Netherlands modu$, you also just reminded me of Ireland lonewolf once in pillars as well.
Boog was gewoon een kutjood.
YES, daar hoor ik ook bij!
loved to spec him :)
Myst'x, warhol, ron///, graden and casper :'<
Myst'x is still playing imo
casper is riddla.
I think he's talking about another casper who played for spooks in rtcw
Oh could be. I didn't know there were 2!
casper is not riddla i talking about the real one /OO.CaspeR....
Denmark Blaaaa, fersken, pelle, Phreaker,
Norway Dodge, nocturn, doc
Sweden stix, nik
And I could go on :)
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...
Norway Abbrad was a really nice guy as well, had many a conversation with him & he helped me out so many times when he was a admin.
Abbradochon YES!
We had fun in and WL, he was in WL a bit after the transfer, I also played alot of matches against merge and Reloaded (where he played) :)
I miss doc's sexy voice aswell! :<
mostly lw-players like sere/darkie/veritas/SoD, the rest of my old mates are still around mostly. Rest are still around in some form or another =) (darkie nowadays aswell abit).
Hellhammer :<
Estonia diz`dRuNkEn
Slovenia ravenyous

Tron is actually still around. Also playing a bit ET from time to time :)
demo's of warwitch pls!!
Once goes back up, download the merge vs spooks video, 15 minutes long highlight video of the match synced with Warwitch commentary, absoloutely brilliant.
The one.. the only... Sevvi!
Hehe, watching it again now, he has one of the most unique shoutcasting styles. Sevvi with his panzer hammer :))
He gave up shoutcasting if i remember correctly.
Germany panzz :D
kabOOm from rtcw demo :(
and Rori :(
and venom
and more and more and more
I miss my old friends, most of them are unknown. In general I don't miss certain guys, but whole clans and the ambiance created by them. When everything was new and interesting, I'm sure you know what I mean =)

Oh and I just found something :))
I'd really like to see teams like Finlandroistot, FinlandMirage and NetherlandsKreaturen playing again...
too many.
I really had fun when Netherlands boog was around :D Those times with fayntic were awesome.

I miss my clanmates from Bosnia Hercegovina j3baci :D Those guys were just crazy. We had so much fun together :]
<3 edooG, bricO, Lith, bosnjO, bibeR and caneL!
Netherlands Vandal and Netherlands [-+] Challah :'(
i miss playing with Sweden crajsor & Sweden wol :(
Belgium 4thDimension
Netherlands LopezZ

Miss you guys !
Greece Hellhammer
I miss playing with Sweden storch and Sweden mango, both trapped in the swamp that is WoW.

Other people I miss are Sweden profeten, Sweden koBen, Sweden celtiC and Sweden/Norway stix.
Sweden SNODD
Sweden nEWBJE
Sweden JoccoS
Sweden bJORN/rajmo
Sweden mango

nobody mentioned saintt :(

i did
this is about people you know/knew
my old 2 mates :(

Hungary Trevize
Netherlands Vision
I miss the wars with ign0 vs SS :D.

( I was ign0#str'p back than )
ye remember ya from CoT :P used have n1 times
Saintt, ferus, Elps, d0zer, Mico
Now, thinking about it... I can't point out anyone in particular.

Maybe Paco and incipit from the old TKB squad. The rest are still idling around.
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